Daily Horoscope (Today & Tomorrow April 19)
Daily Horoscope (Today & Tomorrow April 19)

1. Aries

Love: Today you may decide to do something in order to make your current relationship work even better. Today's planetary alignment encourages you to take a look at any habits or routines that you may both have become involved in that may not be bringing out the best in your partner (current or prospective)ship. You know what these are - you just need the determination to make the change.

Health: If you find yourself waking up on the wrong side of the bed more days than not, it's probably got something to do with an unconscious desire that has gone unmet for too long. One way to bring the unconscious more into our conscious, daily lives is to keep a dream journal. It only takes a few minutes each morning. Before you get dressed, before you have breakfast spend a few minutes sketching out what happened in your dream.

Finance: You can't take advantage of random opportunities if you're not out there to even notice them. From good business deals to good buys, you're missing out if you don't participate. You're placing too much importance on keeping your nose to the grindstone.

Photo: Cierra Miller
Photo: Cierra Miller
Aries Weekly Horoscope (April 19 - 25): Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health Aries Weekly Horoscope (April 19 - 25): Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health

2. Taurus

Love: The present astral configuration may help you see how profoundly certain unrealistic expectations are affecting your relationship. You may have noticed how, when things do not seem to go exactly as you would like, you begin to feel unhappy. If you can begin to accept your partner (current or prospective) exactly as they are, you stand a far better chance of relating more harmoniously. You will also feel better about yourself!

Health: You are one of the most physical of all the astrological signs. Do you have a daily or weekly exercise program that you follow religiously? If you don't, you should. This is recommended for people of any age. The vital energy that you derive from regular physical activity affects your mood, your ability to concentrate, your diet and your romantic life. Keep the blood moving and you will be a happier person all the way round!

Finance: You need to get some perspective on your financial situation. You may think you have a deep understanding of where your money is going and what to expect for your future, but you are off the mark. Dig into the reality of things now and to come.

Photo: Cierra Miller
Photo: Cierra Miller
Taurus Weekly Horoscope (April 19 - 25): Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health Taurus Weekly Horoscope (April 19 - 25): Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health

3. Gemini

Love: If the going begins to get a little tough within your relationships, you have a tendency to gloss over the difficulties and focus increasingly on trivialities. Today's planetary alignment may bring certain issues to light, but the good news is that both you and your partner (current or prospective) will want to do something about them, and make some very positive changes that will bring you even closer together.

Health: You have been enjoying a fairly boisterous ride these last few weeks. To help balance your energy, keep yourself on a strict diet of moderation. This means you can eat anything you like, just do so in moderation. Continue to enjoy your usual exercise program and above all - make your sleep schedule as regular and delightful as possible. A little Lemon Verbena on your pillow at night is a lovely thing to fall asleep to!

Finance: Just how the currents are taking your money downstream is only one of the confusing questions before you. The other is how to find the tiller on the particular craft you're on. You'll never know how much control you can actually exert until you try it.

Photo: Cierra Miller
Photo: Cierra Miller
Gemini Weekly Horoscope (April 19 - 25): Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health Gemini Weekly Horoscope (April 19 - 25): Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health

4. Cancer

Love: The present astral configuration encourages some very passionate feelings to emerge concerning someone you once knew. You may not even have remembered particularly noticing them at the time. However, upon seeing them again you may find it difficult to control your emotions. Being your natural reticent self, you will probably try and hide all this, but actually, it would be better not to.

Health: You are not one to take obstacles as a reason to back down or give up. But it's important to recognize when you are dealing with heavy pressures so that you can give yourself a little TLC when needed. You enjoy pressure to a certain extent, but it can wear on us all and we need to call on our creativity to bring that sparkle back into our daily lives when it has worn thin. Consider giving yourself a massage as a special treat.

Finance: There's something you have to deal with and you don't have much more time to do it. Whether it ends really well or really bad depends on how you handle your finances in the next two weeks. Choose carefully.

Photo: Cierra Miller
Photo: Cierra Miller
CANCER Weekly Horoscope (April 19-25): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health CANCER Weekly Horoscope (April 19-25): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health

5. Leo

Love: Changes in relationships can often come about because two people naturally realize that they have reached a certain plateau, and need to do things differently to keep the partnership from degenerating into a mindless routine. The movement of the planets encourages you to take a look at how you are coping. This really is a very positive day to discuss tricky issues, as they will be successfully resolved.

Health: You are apt to see the bigger picture more clearly than the little one this week. You will enjoy socializing and making merry, if possible, but try not to skip over feelings while in the pursuit of accomplishment. Whatever your plans are, be rigorous in keeping your daily exercise, a balanced diet and abundant rest and relaxation at all times, even the busiest ones. When you feel that you are floating away on the ethers of excitement, breathe deeply and ground yourself.

Finance: You have a strong idea of exactly what you want and almost nothing will stop you from getting it -- unless it's helping someone else get what they need instead. Your ego may try to talk you out of it, but listen to your heart, and then act on what you think is right.

Photo: Cierra Miller
Photo: Cierra Miller
LEO Weekly Horoscope (April 19-25): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health LEO Weekly Horoscope (April 19-25): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health

6. Virgo

Love: Rather than spending your time thinking about how wonderful it would be to have a warm and caring romantic partner, you would be much better off getting out and taking part in some group activities, or involving yourself in a more varied social scene. The position of the planets means that if you respond to others with enthusiasm, they too will become interested in you.

Health: The planetary energy can make this an emotional time for you, filling you with sensitivity and awareness. You may or may not have been taught how to develop your sensitivity and awareness as a child, but it's never too late to start! If you realize that there is something or someone you need to let go of at this time, why not create some kind of ritual that will give you the necessary closure you need? Nurture your spirituality when you feel open to it.

Finance: The things you want to do that aren't helpful to your bottom line just won't make it to fruition, no matter how hard you try. Life is protective of you that way. With all the effort you're putting in, it may seem as if you just can't win, but actually you just can't lose.

Photo: Cierra Miller
Photo: Cierra Miller
VIRGO Weekly Horoscope (April 19-25): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health VIRGO Weekly Horoscope (April 19-25): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health

7. Libra

Love: The position of the planets encourages you to be more spontaneous in your love life, and less conditioned by and worried about what other people may be thinking. There may be someone whom you are particularly drawn to, whom you think your friends or family may not approve of, or who is perhaps not cool enough. If your heart is telling you to go for it, why hang back?

Health: Feeling a little blocked lately (emotionally or physically)? This might have something to do with a tense period you're going through, where things tend to get a little bottlenecked. Keep all channels open with plenty of water and fresh vegetables and at least a few virtual yoga classes or whatever exercise releases your tension the best. Try to do this whenever you are subjected to a lot of stress, rather than putting it off until afterwards. You will be much happier!

Finance: Watch out, because a bill from your past is coming back to bite you. Don't spend too much time complaining about it. You should be counting your lucky stars it's only a bill and not emotional debts from that era resurfacing.

Photo: Cierra Miller
Photo: Cierra Miller
LIBRA Weekly Horoscope (April 19-25): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health LIBRA Weekly Horoscope (April 19-25): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health

8. Scorpio

Love: You may have been determined to wait until a certain person had passed all your love tests before allowing them to enter any further into your deeper feelings. Yet today's cosmic climate encourages you to cease being quite so manipulative and allow them the benefit of the doubt. This will bring you far closer together on a truly meaningful level than all your games have done so far.

Health: Today's planetary movement exerts an energy that might make you feel like your dreams are just out of reach. Don't let this feeling discourage you, as it is only temporary. Use the transit to get in touch with what you really want, so that you are able to take appropriate steps toward achieving that. The body is a lump of clay, remember? You are the artist who shapes it. As an artist, give yourself plenty of love and encouragement.

Finance: Some days it feels like you have two heads and they are definitely not better than one. You just can't choose between two radically different courses of action. Before implementing either of your plans, you'll need to let your polar opposites learn to work together.

Photo: Cierra Miller
Photo: Cierra Miller
Scorpio weekly horoscope (April 19 - April 25): Predictions for Love, Money, Career and Health Scorpio weekly horoscope (April 19 - April 25): Predictions for Love, Money, Career and Health

9. Sagittarius

Love: The alignment at play today means that you are feeling on top of the world today, and this could have a profound effect, especially where your love life is concerned. If you are in a permanent relationship, then this will give you both the boost you need. If you are looking for love, you may well find it at the gym or while involved in outdoor activities.

Health: You may feel unusually cross or ill-tempered during this time. Emotions loom large and seem practically unmanageable; your body seems to have a mind of its own, cravings may feel too strong to push aside. This is perfectly natural. One useful herbal remedy for this feeling is Chamomile tea. Chamomile is known as the "baby remedy," for it soothes a cranky baby and restores balance after a fever. You may drink the tea or actually put teabags in your bath!

Finance: It's the wrong time to be conservative with your spending. You can afford to lighten up, but only a bit. Stretching two dollars instead of one is about as far as you should allow yourself to go with your spending sprees.

Photo: Cierra Miller
Photo: Cierra Miller
SAGITTARIUS Weekly Horoscope (April 19 - April 25): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health SAGITTARIUS Weekly Horoscope (April 19 - April 25): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health

10. Capricorn

Love: If you have been trying to organize your current love affair along certain lines, or have been trying to get it to fit in with a particular routine, then you may find that today's cosmic climate encourages one or both of you to break out. Love cannot blossom in such an atmosphere, and if the love between you is true, then it needs more space to thrive, Capricorn.

Health: It's important to your wellness to pay attention to your subconscious. There is a lot that goes on "under the surface" and you'd rather know about it than not know about it, right? One way to keep abreast of your unconscious fears and desires is to keep a dream journal. This is easier than it sounds - if you've never kept a journal before. Simply carve out five to ten minutes every morning and sketch your dream while you have breakfast. Insights will arise.

Finance: Your energy and stamina are flagging and at just the right moment. You're almost at the finish line, but you have enough inertia to coast over it. All in all, the good results are enough to give you that final push.

Photo: Cierra Miller
Photo: Cierra Miller
Capricorn weekly horoscope (April 19 - 25): Predictions for Love, Money, Career and Health Capricorn weekly horoscope (April 19 - 25): Predictions for Love, Money, Career and Health

11. Aquarius

Love: The present astral configuration puts you into a really sunny mood in which you may feel romantically invincible. If you have been wondering whether it is worth competing to attract the attention of someone whom you know you would get on with brilliantly, then take heart. Go right up to them and be your natural and charming self. This delicious person cannot fail to be impressed, Aquarius.

Health: Wanting to do your best is a wonderful feeling to have, only you might need to learn how to deal with disappointment as well. You tend to put a lot of pressure on yourself to succeed, to do better than average. Your boisterous personality can get you through numerous situations without much effort, but sometimes it's just not about you, and you need to be able to recognize this. Detachment is something many martial arts teach - consider some such activity!

Finance: You're not a child who needs someone disciplining you. You can keep yourself disciplined, thank you very much. When it comes to sticking to your budget, you are as motivated as anyone can be. Don't let anyone else try to take the credit for it.

Photo: Cierra Miller
Photo: Cierra Miller
AQUARIUS  Weekly Horoscope (April 19 - April 25): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health AQUARIUS Weekly Horoscope (April 19 - April 25): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health

12. Pisces

Love: This is not a day to spend dreaming about the house and wondering when your next love interest is going to enter your life. The celestial atmosphere means that action is called for. You have a much better chance of finding someone special if put on some bright and sunny clothes, and get out with the intention of becoming involved. This will help you meet new people!

Health: Knowing how to care for yourself takes preparation! Bring out the best in yourself by planning ahead. There is almost no physical activity that you wouldn't enjoy, so pick the one that is most convenient for you on a practical level. There should be little or no obstacles in the path of getting this exercise. Build up a practice around this chosen activity and use it as your support for when the going gets rough, Pisces.

Finance: The sound of a cash register is like music to your ears. It would be that much more beautiful, though, if it had a director. You need to get some advice from someone more knowledgeable than you are, and there's no shame in that.

Photo: Cierra Miller
Photo: Cierra Miller
PISCES Weekly Horoscope (April 19 - April 25): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health PISCES Weekly Horoscope (April 19 - April 25): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health

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