Daily Horoscope (Today & Tomorrow April 18)
Daily Horoscope (Today & Tomorrow April 18)

1. Aries

Love: An unexpected financial windfall could come your way today, Aries. You may stand there with an open envelope in your hand, unable to speak. Whether it's an unanticipated bonus, gift, or surprising stock dividend, invest the money wisely. You've spent a lot of money recently, and it would be good for you to begin to replenish the bank account.

Health: Your heart is in the right place when you care for yourself as well as you do for others. You need to be encouraged to eat well and exercise and get plenty of rest. Be careful if you find yourself in a relationship with someone who tells you the opposite, that it is most important to take care of their needs to prove you love them. This is a trap for you, and you must look for partnerships with people who share your healthy habits, Aries.

Finance: Your drive doesn't go into neutral. If anything, you are revving the motor trying to get as much accomplished as you can under the wire. You don't need to slow down just yet, either. Keep focusing on the payoff.

Photo: Hellogiggles
Photo: Hellogiggles
ARIES May Horoscope 2021: Astrological Prediction for Love, Career, Health and Family ARIES May Horoscope 2021: Astrological Prediction for Love, Career, Health and Family

2. Taurus

Love: If you want to improve your chances of appealing to someone extremely delicious, then you will need to exhibit more enthusiasm. The planetary positions today help you to get off your comfortable couch, turn off the TV, and decide to do something positive about the state of your love life. Perhaps they have misunderstood your signals, so make them more obvious, and show them that you really care.

Health: Your stubborn side may be brought out by today's planetary movement. Hopefully, your stubborn feelings will be fixed on working out, or eating only healthy balanced meals, or getting enough rest each night. If you are experiencing some kind of emotional block that makes these healthy habits difficult to realize, confide in someone you trust and get those blocked feelings moving. Your health is too important to take a back seat - put your health first.

Finance: Making travel plans now is a huge mistake, money-wise. You hesitated and now you'll lose. Money, that is. If you don't mind paying full price, then make firm plans. If not, hope for a small miracle on a great deal.

Photo: Hellogiggles
Photo: Hellogiggles
TAURUS May Horoscope 2021: Astrological Prediction for Love, Career, Health and Finance TAURUS May Horoscope 2021: Astrological Prediction for Love, Career, Health and Finance

3. Gemini

Love: The current planetary configuration offers a wonderful opportunity to get to know someone much better. Although you generally love to talk, you will probably make the //most progress by arranging to go out on a date and do something interesting together. If you both enjoy sporting activities, then this could be the ideal way to build your friendship and have fun at the same time. Go for it!

Health: Watch out for the temptation to go overboard today! You are practicing keeping your healthy boundaries this month. Health is largely dependent on sleep (observe the midnight hour) and a regular, healthy diet. Try to guard your sleep the way you would the fountain of youth - they may as well be the same thing! Your sleep affects your attitude, and they say attitude is everything. (Attitude is also breakfast: water, fresh fruit and whole-grain toast is a great attitude!)

Finance: You may feel that the comings and goings of others are holding you back. True, it's about the time of year to expect everyone to either disappear or slack off, but that doesn't mean you have to. Start figuring out which things you can accomplish alone and tackle them.

Photo: Hellogiggles
Photo: Hellogiggles
GEMINI May Horoscope 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money GEMINI May Horoscope 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money

4. Cancer

Love: If the passion between you and a loved one seems to have cooled recently, then you may find that today's movement of the planets helps bring your relationship alive once again. Rediscover the natural warmth and genuine love that exists between you by making time to do something interesting together. For once don't try to be too subtle; just be open and spontaneous, and this will help matters enormously.

Health: You may find yourself obsessing on something that doesn't matter today. Stick to your healthy habits during this distraction, and when push comes to shove, stand firm about your health! We all feel out of control once in a while. Remind yourself that you are not perfect, nobody who's anybody expects you to be perfect, and you are not aiming for perfection! If this doesn't help quell the obsessive thinking, try getting to bed early and trying again tomorrow!

Finance: Everyone has their personal baggage tied around their necks like chains. There's still plenty of time to avoid their fate. Start by realizing that money isn't everything, and work your way backward from there.

Photo: Hellogiggles
Photo: Hellogiggles
Cancer May Horoscope 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money Cancer May Horoscope 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money

5. Leo

Love: The present astral configuration means that you can shine today at social gatherings and parties. If you have been looking for that special someone, then you may find that your personal magnetism draws someone very interesting into your aura. You will discover that you both share the same love of certain activities, and that you have more in common than you would have imagined. Good luck!

Health: Love gives us energy to get through life. Loving your body helps, too. Nurture your body with exercise and you will find yourself able to be more loving towards others. Practice loving your body by carefully planning your meals days in advance. Be thoughtful about your upcoming meals as though you were wooing your own body to join you in a lifetime of happy adventures - because that's what you're faced with, and whether you make them happy or not is up to you!

Finance: It's hard to make a good impression when there's no one around to impress. Make sure you spend plenty of time with other people. The effects of that quality time spent now are more valuable than any new clothes or extra degree ever could be.

Photo: Hellogiggles
Photo: Hellogiggles

6. Virgo

Love: Communication is the issue of the day, with the planets' alignment at play today. However, you will find this very pleasant and also very reassuring in terms of the new relationship that you have either started or are on the verge of starting. Despite previous appearances to the contrary, you will find that you have so much in common that you are just thrilled to have found each other.

Health: You are startled by the violence you see in the world, and you need to balance out the shock with predictably soothing activities. Surround yourself with gentleness in your home - create a safe haven. Practice soothing exercises such as yoga, stretching, and walking. Calm your mind with reading positive material and practicing meditation in any way you see fit. Give yourself the balance you need, and notice when you need to balance. Walking is a wonderful exercise for regaining balance.

Finance: The early stages of a project are usually where the creativity comes in, but even at this late stage of the game, you need to make some artistic changes to avoid disaster. The bottom line is looking like the wrong color the closer you get to it. Get inspired -- it's critical to success.

Photo: Hellogiggles
Photo: Hellogiggles
Virgo May Horoscope 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money Virgo May Horoscope 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money

7. Libra

Love: The position of the heavenly bodies encourages you to get in touch with your feelings and share them with the one you care about the most. Rather than talking about how you "should" both feel, why not accept your relationship as it is. If you can enjoy being where you are right now and can trust your heart to guide you, you will find a real source of satisfaction.

Health: Today's planetary movement gives you more conviction than you know how to deal with. Get used to bold feelings and confusion. People might tell you that you're self-centered when you're feeling kind. You might not know exactly how to love yourself. Give yourself some space by letting the little things count. Wash your toes when you take a shower. Get a haircut, if possible. Don't bite your nails. Exercise when you feel stressed or anxious. Focus on yourself in a positive way.

Finance: Balancing your personal budget is weighing on you wherever you go. It's like having a marriage or relationship issue that affects your performance elsewhere. Make tackling it a priority, before it invades other areas of thought.

Photo: Hellogiggles
Photo: Hellogiggles
LIBRA Horoscope May 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money LIBRA Horoscope May 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money

8. Scorpio

Love: You will really be able to get down to business today, with the present astral configuration. This is a wonderful opportunity to allow some of your more tender feelings to surface, and to share then with someone you sincerely love and admire. If you still find it difficult to speak face-to-face, then a love letter or a poem will also make them feel like a million dollars.

Health: Your own health is the greatest investment you will make in your life. How have you been doing so far? What are your plans for the future? If you haven't thought about your health as an investment, it's time to start. What other asset have you got that affects every single waking hour? Consider breath. How you breathe effects your sleep, your digestion, the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you make love - need I say more? Yoga also helps a great deal.

Finance: It's never a good day to sign on the dotted line, at least not for the near future. Keep thinking about maximizing savings and not signing on for further debt. Muster all of your willpower if that's what it takes to resist a special big-ticket item.

Photo: Hellogiggles
Photo: Hellogiggles
SCORPIO Horoscope May 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money SCORPIO Horoscope May 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money

9. Sagittarius

Love: The present astral configuration encourages you to pay closer attention to what another is trying to tell you, and to read between the lines if necessary to discover why they may be feeling as they do. You can have a tendency to ignore the more subtle signals that others are trying to send you, but if you can be more sensitive, you will certainly learn something to your advantage.

Health: It's sometimes difficult to know what we feel. Everyone is challenged by the question, “How are you?” But few people actually stop and ask themselves privately for a real answer. Begin checking in with yourself on a daily basis. If you don't know exactly how you feel that's OK, but just start taking the question seriously. It's very important to your health! Like anything, practice will make it easier, and you will become better able to serve your health.

Finance: It's an understatement to say you could still find ways to save a bundle. Simply by trimming any fat in your budget that's only there out of sheer laziness is a good start. Making your own lunch is only the beginning. Once you see the extra savings, you'll wonder why you thought such simple things ever seemed like hard work.

Photo: Hellogiggles
Photo: Hellogiggles
Aquarius Horoscope May 2021 - Astrological Prediction for Love, Money, Career and Health Aquarius Horoscope May 2021 - Astrological Prediction for Love, Money, Career and Health

10. Capricorn

Love: Don't underestimate just how much a note or a card expressing your love for your partner (current or prospective) can do to make them feel really good. If you have been too busy recently to give them the attention they deserve, then the cosmic climate today could encourage you to create an atmosphere of deeper happiness and harmony within your relationship. So, pick up your pen and start writing,Capricorn.

Health: Why do you keep looking at today's transit with such a quizzical stare? You want me to do what? Your emotional self is highly active right now in ways that you don't normally experience. Express this surprise! Dance, move, run up stairs, and let the energetic friction out that may be in your body due to these vibrations. Your temper may be short when you least expect it to be. Don't block yourself with judgment, just be sure to let out your mixed feelings with short, quick physical sprees.

Finance: Just when your plans seem to be working, you're ready to chuck them for something altogether new. Are you afraid of success or do you really have something much more lucrative in mind? That question is impossible to answer, but you've never been one to hedge your bets anyway.

Photo: Hellogiggles
Photo: Hellogiggles
CAPRICORN May Horoscope 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money CAPRICORN May Horoscope 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money

11. Aquarius

Love: The planetary transits will encourage you to feel your feelings. How can you do anything else, you may ask? Well in your case you have a tendency to try not to feel them, because you are so acutely sensitive to all that this could entail. Someone needs to hear how much you care about them, from your own lips, rather than hearsay from other people. Make them smile!

Health: Today's planetary transit gives you license to drive in any direction you want. You may feel at the top of your game. Physical prowess flows through you. And yet, you may only wish you looked great. Are you feeling powerless over your body, your eating habits, your exercise regimen? Start talking about it. Engage in conversation about exercise, engage in conversation about your issues around exercise. It will get you closer to it. You are human, just like everyone else, Aquarius.

Finance: Those around you who lack your self-discipline can be amusing every now and then. Watching them flail around is one thing, but bailing them out is another. You're almost tempted. Throwing money at the situation won't get to the root of the problem, though. Only make a token offering.

Photo: Hellogiggles
Photo: Hellogiggles
Aquarius Horoscope May 2021 - Astrological Prediction for Love, Money, Career and Health Aquarius Horoscope May 2021 - Astrological Prediction for Love, Money, Career and Health

12. Pisces

Love: This is definitely a day to attempt some love poetry if you feel you have a way with words. Even if you don't, then the planetary configuration encourages you to find some truly creative way to express your deeper sentiments to someone special. This will make both of you feel good, and you will also realize that they have similar feelings, but have been too shy to reveal them.

Health: The sensitive side of your nature desires what's best for those you love - there is a deep feeling of "I would die for you" running through you with regard to your loved ones and your children. This intense emotion can be channeled into a more productive vein: caring for your body as though it were a loved one. Taking care of all its needs can be quite satisfying. This is ultimately nurturing for EVERYONE! Your life certainly does depend on your body.

Finance: It's okay to ask for favors every now and then. You have a friend who can pull some strings for you, and there's no honor in not taking advantage of that. You'll only be making a martyr out of yourself if you opt out of the advantages of having friends in high places.

Photo: Hellogiggles
Photo: Hellogiggles
Pisces Horoscope May 2021 - Astrological Prediction for Love, Money, Career and Health Pisces Horoscope May 2021 - Astrological Prediction for Love, Money, Career and Health


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