February 13 Zodiac Signs & symbols:

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary

Symbol: The Water Carrier

Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher

Tarot card: Death (change)

Favorable numbers: 4, 6

Lucky days: Saturday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 4 or 6 of the month

Lucky colors: All shades of blue, silver and light green

Birthstone: Amethyst

What are the Traits of a Person Born on February 13?

As noted earlier, you have been a freethinker since you were young. In addition, you have a kind heart. You invest your time and effort in philanthropic work quite heavily.

You are good at organizing things. People know that they can depend on you to make last minute details. And, you never disappoint!

You are ambitious. Quite often, you apply your creative mind to follow your ambitions relentlessly. Sometimes you do this at the expense of appearing eccentric.

People born on February 13 like to focus on the future. As such, you are updated on the latest trends in your chosen industry.

You are original, too. Your best moments are when you are helping others to understand your ideas.

Though you are friendly and social, you are choosy when it comes to bosom friends. You treasure your principles, and you only surround

yourself with those who share similar values with you.

Be careful, though, that your personality flaws do not ruin your reputation. For example, you are often impractical. This happens when things do not go according to plan. You need to understand that you cannot control every single eventuality.

Also, some people perceive you to be selfish and egocentric. Nevertheless, this only happens with those that you exclude from your circle.

All in all, you have what it takes to be successful. Ensure that you broaden your mind. This way you will not be restricted by narrow beliefs.

Love and Compatibility for February 13 Zodiac

February Birthday Horoscope (Feb 13): Astrological predictions for Personality, Love, Career
Photo: Daily Express

The February 13 zodiac lovers are both ingenious and versatile. Also, they are very good communicators. They are adept at using both verbal and non-verbal cues of communication to charm their ways into the hearts of their lovers.

Your sincerity, charm, and good looks make you the natural pick of a potential lover. As such, you tend to have very many admirers. You are often spoilt for choice.

For this reason, you fall in love quite easily. However, you fall out of love equally fast! This love is as good as it lasts!

You prefer partners who mirror your personal attributes. You like them attractive, unpredictable, active, and sociable. You can get these qualities in an Aquarius, a Libra, and a Gemini.

The relationship will be quite strong if your partner was born on the 1st, 2nd, 9th, 10th 13th, 18th, 20th, 25th & 31st.

The charts indicate that you are likely to fall in love at a tender age. This means that you will have many partners in the course of your life.

However, you can opt to settle down when you are ready. Doing so would guarantee you fulfillment, peace, and a happy family.

A word of advice, though! The planetary alignment shows that you are least compatible with someone born under Scorpio zodiac sign. It is advisable that you do not involve yourself with them romantically. Or be prepared to put in work if you decide to go ahead, according to thesecretofthetarot.

Your Career Horoscope

You are full of ideas from a tender age. As an idealist, you get motivated quite easily. Therefore, it is possible for you to pursue one idea ceaselessly.

Ensure that the most appropriate idea motivates you. The best way to go about this is by working on your skills.

Once the inspiration sets in, you can excel in the fields of entrepreneurship, technology, science, innovation, and architecture.


February Birthday Horoscope (Feb 13): Astrological predictions for Personality, Love, Career
Photo: Prevention.com
Healthiness levels experienced by those born on February 13th are sometimes diminished by the formation of bad habits. Your inner anxiety inclines you to require a prop like tobacco or alcohol and you can occasionally over do it. You may find it rather difficult to adopt or stick to health improvements and could need a lot of encouragement to do so. People born on this day however are often excellent cooks and take an avid interest in their diet. You relish your food and gain much enjoyment in cooking for yourself and others. Exercise must be enjoyable otherwise you will not be interested, cites gotohoroscope.
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