Top 100 Strongest Quotes for the Lovelorn

These 4 Zodiac Sign Couples Are The Most Likely to Break Up in 2023

Are You One of the 4 Lovelorn Zodiac Signs in 2023?
Top Lovelorn Zodiac Signs in 2023

Astrology and Love of the 12 Zodiac Signs

This year 2023 represents some big lessons and changes in relationships for all zodiac signs thanks to Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter all making big transitions.

As 2023 begins, Mars finally turns directly into Gemini, which makes it impossible for many to end their budding relationships because it feels like they are being "temporarily taken" by the universe. stop".

The 2023 astrology predicts that Mars will once again return to Gemini, bringing end and definiteness to any relationship that begins to face challenges later this summer and fall.

As March begins, Saturn, the lord of time and karma, finally turns to Pisces, changing the lessons of love.

While in Aquarius it tends to focus on yourself and your own needs, in Pisces it is more focused on the meaning and practice of unconditional love, pushing you to see Find out the truth about the current relationship, it forces you to open your eyes and be less confused about love.

Saturn will be here for 2 years, which means emotional changes will be slower, but will mark a big turning point in your own love life.

Jupiter spends 5 months in Aries before moving into Taurus. In Aries, it focuses on new beginnings, while in Taurus, it wants to push for new beginnings instead of staying in one place.

This is the main source of energy to release toxic relationships that make you feel like they are holding you back from living the life you are supposed to live.

Pluto briefly lingers in Aquarius as a preview of the 20-year period the planet will spend in this Air sign starting next year.

Everything is heading for change, so is love, let's see who the top lovelorn zodiac signs

Top 4 Zodiac Signs Will Be Hurt For Love in 2023


The end of 2022 brings both Jupiter and Neptune to loving Pisces - an energy that influences Virgo's love line.

Sometimes having planets in that part of your life brings positive things, however, one planet that you don't want in this zone is Saturn and that's what will happen this year. .

Saturn is the planet of boundaries, known as the lord of time and karma, and the "father" of the zodiac. It tends to bring up expensive lessons that you've spent a lot of time avoiding.

Saturn in Pisces works in a softer way, allowing Virgo to release karma, release ties to the past, and embrace a brighter future.

However, in this phase of your love, Saturn forces you to learn more instead of sitting there and blindly falling in love. Saturn is in the same sign for about 2 years, so this is a long-term period where you must prepare yourself for emotional shocks.

Some of the lessons that come from Saturn in your relationship sector involve healthy boundaries, more self-awareness, letting go of the past, being independent in love, and learning how to cooperate in love. Love with your other half instead of sacrificing alone.

Saturn in Pisces really has a no-nonsense spiritual vibe that cares about unconditional love but won't make you spend your life in a toxic relationship.

This is the time for Virgo to wake up from the love affair, maybe there are more "horns" on your head that you don't even know.

Be realistic about your relationship and instead of trying to fix it or blaming yourself, look at the problem as it is.

Prolonged toxic love is not good for you, in 2023 Virgo will be pain in love in one way or another, only time can heal you.


Taurus Horoscope 2023 says that your theme this year is self-love, Taurus.

The current Eclipse cycle will end in your sign at the end of October 2023 with a total eclipse that will affect your love life.

There may be a bright spot around early May when a Scorpio Lunar Eclipse occurs, but it can help you understand that the romantic feelings you once had are no longer the same.

Emotions change, that's normal, no one can love someone forever and with the same emotions as when they first met, so if you find yourself in the top of the zodiac sign of love in 2023, don't be shocked.

This energy pulls you back into yourself to focus on what you really want and find out who you are instead of dedicating yourself to love.

As Uranus, the planet of change, continues to pass through your sign until 2026, you are still in a prime position to experience changes.

That doesn't mean you'll have to wait until 2026 to find true love, but in 2023, if you're trying to stay in a relationship with the hope that things will improve, you will. it is not what you want.

In mid-May right after the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, this will bring your own beliefs, thoughts and feelings. This is a sign that you have sent your wishes to the universe and in return, you will find that the things you have always wished for will not disappear.

Allow yourself to rest, it's okay not to love, not to stop kissing, as long as you're happy with your current life. Love yourself in all the ways you've ever wanted to and don't worry about what's to come.


Mars has been in Gemini since late August 2022. In October it goes retrograde and will eventually turn directly into Gemini in early January, 2023, but it will stay here until the end of March, 2023.

Mars retrograde causes you to deal with discomfort instead of running away as usual. You should be careful because your situation is not favorable, you can fall into love at any time.

As Mars moves through Gemini until the end of March, you'll likely have the most mature ending to a relationship you've ever had. This is the lesson you need to learn.

You shouldn't blame your other half. You shouldn't blame anyone or talk badly about your ex to make you feel better when you're gone.

Once Mars turns straight, you'll feel more confident to honor your own thoughts and beliefs, but in a way that's unconventional than before.

Gemini will be confident but no longer have strong feelings for the ex, the heartbreak will happen in a short time, so you don't need to regret the relationship, just know that you tried your best. and ex-lover too, gone without regrets.


Jupiter, the planet of expansion, briefly touched your sign in 2022 but this year it will stay in Aries until mid-May 2023.

Jupiter in Aries is about new experiences, but it is about freedom. This is the energy of breaking through and getting out of relationships that hold you back from the life you always wanted.

Jupiter shows you the new better love path and tells why it's worth it. On April 11, 2023, Jupiter and the Sun are aligned in Aries giving you the ability to see your future clearly, you may struggle to restrain yourself to deal with it. loose problems that you still have to deal with.

This year also brings you some shocking turning points and new realizations about yourself and the actions you take in your love life.

There is no way to give you peace of mind this year. You have to think more broadly than you think at first.

Part of the reason you falter in love is the fear of what might happen in the future because if you've been lost once, you'd be hesitant to risk it again.

However, this year the universe is helping you to release what is holding you back, close the past and believe that true love will come again, don't hold yourself back because of a few heartbreaks.

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