15 Incredible Facts About A Woman Body
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Did you know that the expression “men are from Mars, women are from Venus” may actually hold some weight?
For example, some studies have shown that women have a perfect memory for facial features.
While childbearing is perhaps the most fascinating feat of the female body, there are plenty of other things that make the female body quite remarkable.
Top 15 Amazing Facts About Female Body:
1.They have better memory than men
Many people find it difficult to recall the faces of persons they have just met, but women may find it easier on average. Studies where women outperformed men in memory tests have indicated that women have higher memory abilities than males. Their exceptional memory extends beyond simply being able to recall details, such as items on a list, and also includes facial features. Women subconsciously spend more time examining the qualities of new faces than males, according to other studies, which makes them better at remembering faces.
2.They have better chances of surviving traumatic injuries
The likelihood that women will survive stress and injury is another likely explanation for their longer life expectancy. While analyzing data on patients who presented to hospitals with catastrophic injuries, researchers discovered that women between the ages of 13 and 64 had a considerably higher survival rate. The higher amounts of female sex hormones in women, which may have an improvement effect on the immune system, may again be the secret to this advantage.
3.Women’s necks are more flexible
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Photo Tech Guruji |
Have you ever noticed that when men turn around they turn their whole bodies, but women turn only their heads? This is because women have more flexible necks. Women have a much more elastic muscle structure in general.
This does however mean that women are more prone to neck pain than men.
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4.They have better muscle endurance
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Photo Women's Health |
Although males often outweigh women in terms of power, many people may be surprised to learn that women may really have more muscle endurance. According to research, women can exercise for roughly 75% longer than males can during stamina-related workouts. It is hypothesized that women's muscles are more resistant to tiredness due to the presence of oestrogen and that their metabolism is more effective than men's.
READ MORE: What are the best foods to gain muscle mass?
5.They have stronger immune systems
The fact that women often live longer than men may be because the female body may be more adept at warding off diseases than the male body. According to studies, oestrogen, a hormone associated with female sex, contributes to this by suppressing the development of an enzyme that impairs the body's defense mechanisms against bacteria and viruses.
Experts don't fully understand why, but one plausible theory is that a stronger immune system evolved over time as a result of the woman's primary role in childbirth and childcare.
6.Women detect smells better
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It is challenging to suppress a woman's perception of body odor, as behavioral neuroscientist Charles Wysocki noted in his study at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia. In contrast, doing so seems to come naturally to men.
According to the experts, women are more perceptive of underarm body odor since the biological information it includes aids in dating decisions. That certainly outperforms Tinder.
7.A woman's body transforms drastically during childbirth
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Photo BrightSide |
Any mother can attest that giving birth to a child is extremely difficult job. In addition to excruciating agony, a woman's body typically undergoes numerous changes. Dilation of the cervix is one of them.
The cervix transforms during childbirth from a tightly closed entrance to a completely open exit for the baby. It must fully dilate to 10 cm, or the size of a bagel, in order to be prepared to push out a child. Yet, these 10 cm merely mark the beginning of pushing; the cervix can still enlarge to accommodate the baby's head.
8.Women can see more colors
According to study by Israel Abramov of Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, women have a bigger "color vocabulary" than men. Abramov tasked both sexes with classifying hues into the categories of red, yellow, green, and blue and allocating a proportion to each.
The findings demonstrated that women were superior than men in their ability to discriminate between fine gradations. The center of the color spectrum is where this sensitivity was most noticeable. Women were better able to spot subtle variations in colors that males had trouble seeing.
9.Women have one breast bigger than the other
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Photo BrightSide |
More than half of all women experience breast asymmetry, which is fairly frequent. According to an old wives' story, the left breast is usually bigger because it sits over the heart and receives greater blood flow. Yet genetics alone is the true cause.
The source of this "size discrepancy" is unknown; it could be because women have more breast tissue cells on one side or that the cells are more susceptible to the effects of estrogen, which stimulates the growth of breast tissue cells.
Having different-sized breasts is quite natural, even though the causes are unclear.
10. Women’s bodies keep changing into their 20s
For girls, adolescence does not mark the end of their bodies changing. Women's 20s are a time of peak metabolism, acne, and menstrual cramps. Moreover, the body may start to develop cellulite and become curvier.
The mental and physical growth experienced in the 20s slows down in women's 30s and beyond. That is, up to perimenopause...
11.Women are really good with words
Women are unmatched when it comes to self-expression. It turns out that this phenomenon also has an anatomical explanation: women have larger frontal and temporal portions of the cortex, a part of the brain considered to affect linguistic abilities.
The "language protein," also known as FOXP2, is present in larger amounts in women. This large amount of protein enables the typical woman to talk 13,000 more words per day than the typical guy, or around 20,000 words, on average.
12.A woman's mood depends on her hormones
The majority of women are fully aware of PMS symptoms. Not every woman, though, is aware of how her cycle affects her body every day of the month. Her attitude, level of energy, and sensitivity all alter as a result of the fluctuating hormone levels in her brain and body.
For instance, 10 days after the start of their period and just before ovulation, women may feel more sassy. They strive to dress more sensually on these days to appear more alluring to possible partners. Women typically stay at home with a nice cup of tea and cuddle in bed with their loved ones a week later, when their progesterone levels rise.
They typically feel teary and easily annoyed the following week. Naturally, their mood deteriorates to its worst point 12 to 24 hours prior to the onset of their menstruation.
13.Women go through adolescence twice
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Photo Red Mermaid |
The second period of adolescence for women, or perimenopause, happens in their 40s. It's usually characterized by irregular periods, night sweats, and other not-so-pleasant things caused by changes in their hormone levels. A woman's hormones during this transition can be so crazy that she might even behave as moody as a teenager.
14. Women’s brains are more intricately hard-wired
Dr Ragini Verma, PhD, an associate professor in the department of Radiology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and colleagues found that women’s brains are more interconnected than men’s.
This means that women are faster at making social connections and can adapt to routine more easily. But then we knew that, didn’t we?
15. Women have sensitive hearing even while sleeping
The cause in this case is evolution. In order for new moms to hear and respond to crying babies, women are hypersensitive to sounds when they are sleeping. Women are more susceptible to high-pitched noises.
However, this does imply that women are more likely to experience sleep problems. Ladies, earplugs are your friends here.
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