Why the sky is blue - Watch this EXPERIMENT to Find out Yourself
Why the sky is blue - Watch this EXPERIMENT to Find out Yourself

You can do this experiment yourself to understand why the sky is blue.

Tools that you need:

1. Flashlight

2. Soap/Milk

3. A clear glass

4. Water

Experiment instruction:

1. Find a dark room to carry out the experiment

2. Fill the glass with water

3. Add soap or milk into the water to get a milky color

4. Point the flashlight at the cloudy solution and notice how the mixture gets a light hint of blue

Scientific explanation:

As you can see, the soap/ milk on the glass seems blue. The same thing happens when you look up at the sky. The sky is blue because of the scattering of light. The white light from the flashlight, which presents sunlight, is made up of a rainbow of colors. We don’t see all of these colors individually, but just like a white light. Once the light is scattered through an object, we can see individual colors. Blue light has a shorter wavelength than the other colors scattered. This is why we see a blue tint to the solution in the glass, and also in the sky.

The sky is blue from the refraction of light. Light bends when passing through the air to another medium, for example, like water. When it’s a clear day, the sunlight goes through the atmosphere, and the light is scattered through the air molecules giving the sky its blue color. Again remember, it's because blue has a shorter wavelength than the other colors. Also, blue is a color that is easier to see with the human eye compared to some other colors.


Light from the sun is made up of all the colours of the rainbow. A rainbow in the sky is formed when sunlight is refracted and dispersed in drops of rain or mist which splits the white light into its constituent colours. Red light has the longest wavelength and blue the shortest.

Light always travels in straight lines unless something gets in its way. The Earth’s atmosphere ( made up of a mixture of gases ) scatters light. Longer wavelength colours pass straight through the atmosphere, but blue light with its shorter wavelength is scattered and reflected back to our eyes, making the sky look blue!

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