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True Leader of 12 Zodiac Signs
True Leader of 12 Zodiac Signs

According to astrological research, leaders, powerful leaders are concentrated in several zodiac signs. They are also the leaders of the 4 zodiac elements in the 12 zodiac signs:

• Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

• Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

• Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

• Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

So who is the leader of the 12 zodiac signs?

The leaders of the 12 zodiac signs are Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn.

Thus, we already know which is the leader of the 12 zodiac signs. Their presence is the spark that starts something new and beautiful. These 4 zodiac signs are forward-thinking and initiators because they are both the start of a sidereal season.

The Characteristics of Leaders of the 4 Zodiac Elements

1.Aries – Leader of the Fire Signs

Aries is a leader who brings strong energy and motivation
Aries is a leader who brings strong energy and motivation

To find out in detail who is the leader of the 12 zodiac signs, let's first learn about the first leader of the Fire signs - Aries.

Aries is the first of the 12 zodiac signs and is also the perfect epitome of cardinal energy.

When the sun enters the sign of Aries, spring officially begins. Not only is it the start of flowers and leaves, but it is also the time to start an astrological year with new beginnings.

As a Fire sign, Aries is completely unstoppable when they find their target.

Aries are not afraid to fight for what they believe in and are ready to stand up for themselves without regret. Aries always knows exactly who they are and is able to exude this intense confidence with primal purity. And they can bravely go to unexplored places.

Aries are always hungry to win and they are natural leaders. It can be said that Aries possess all the qualities that make them a natural leader. They possess logical intelligence and decisive personality. In particular, Aries will grow stronger helping others to reach their full potential.

Aries is always hungry to win and they are born leaders

When it comes to who is the leader of the 12 zodiac signs, Aries is one of the best managers because they operate on a spirit of cooperation rather than ego. Furthermore, they can separate their emotions from their decisions. That is another quality of a born leader.

Another thing that makes Aries great leaders is that this zodiac sign is very creative and often takes the lead in setting trends, making big statements, and taking on tough challenges.

Check: ARIES Zodiac Sign: Dates, Meaning and Personal Traits

2.Cancer – Leader of the Water

Water signs include Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The leader of the Water sign is Cancer.

The Cancer leader lovingly encourages everyone to move forward.

You may be a little surprised to learn that the warm and somewhat soft Cancer is the leader of the Water sign group, but this is the truth.

When the sun hits Cancer, summer finally begins, and Cancer - although very sensitive and empathetic - is an important initiator in the astrological circle.

The reason many people forget that Cancer is a leader is because our society's stereotype of a leader is to be strong, decisive, and passionate.

But people also forget that leadership also requires compassion and love, tender concern, encouragement, as well as comfort and growth. Think of Cancer as a mother who reminds and encourages you that you are important and have extraordinary ability.

Cancer has the ability to connect people in the group and create unity.

Cancer likes to use their emotions and artistic vibes to get creative. When at their best, Cancer can create masterpieces. And their leadership is even more subconscious, which makes Cancer a facilitator who works with the subconscious to help people see what they don't see in themselves.

Because Cancer is so attuned and friendly to everyone around him, the energy Cancer brings can remove obstacles by showing others their problems and offering guidance on how to move forward. before then.

Check: CANCER Zodiac Sign: Dates, Meaning and Personal Traits

True Leader of 12 Zodiac Signs
True Leader of 12 Zodiac Signs

3.Libra – Leader of the Air Signs

Libra, the leader of the Air signs, is always bursting with new and creative ideas.

When the sun enters Libra, summer has ended and autumn has begun.

Libra can balance everything around them well and create harmony and cooperation among everyone. Because Libra is the intermediary energy that brings everyone together, it's often easy for them to get people involved in new things.

As an Air sign, the driving force behind Libra comes from their intellect and Libra is also known for coming up with the right ideas at the right time.

While Aries leads with strength, Libra taps into your imagination and inspires you to move forward.

Essentially, because of their penchant for balance and maintaining social order, Libra uses their core energies to guide the group, help people feel harmonious, and get where they need to be.

Therefore, when it comes to who is the leader of the 12 zodiac signs, it is impossible not to mention Libra.

Who is the True Leader of 12 Zodiac Signs - According to Astrology
Libra - Leader of 12 Zodiac Signs

4.Capricorn – Leader of the Earth Signs

Capricorn, the leader of the Earth signs, is always serious about having the right plan.

When the sun enters Capricorn, winter is coming. And Capricorn is a fierce leader with the necessary calculations to get through the most intense season of the year.

As an Earth sign, Capricorn leads with practicality, reason, and long-term goals in mind. Capricorn makes plans and assigns responsibilities to people quickly and easily, and they can formulate a strategy for success.

Capricorn leads with practicality, reason, and long-term goals.

Capricorn is really good at knowing what needs to be done to achieve a goal. That's why you can turn to your Capricorn friends for advice when it comes to complex things that require a solid plan.

Capricorn is an enterprising zodiac sign, but the reality of their fundamental energy also only allows them to show people what is missing and how to achieve their goals, illuminating the path for everyone. people around.

Check: CAPRICORN Zodiac Sign: Dates, Meaning and Personal Traits

Who is the True Leader of 12 Zodiac Signs - According to Astrology
Capricorn - Leader of 12 Zodiac Signs

Which Zodiac Sign is the Most Special?

When asked about the most special zodiac sign, surely many people will answer that it is Aries.

People of this sign always know how to make a strong impression on others at the first meeting.

Aries is ruled by Mars, but Mars represents blood, aggression, so they are always at the forefront of all activities. Even when the work does not achieve the expected results, Aries does not complain, complain and get discouraged. They always radiate a positive energy to everyone around them.

Aries were born with a protective mission, so they live very affectionately with people and always put their family first. They are men and women of the family, sacrificing for their children and partners.

However, Aries people are also very fastidious in love affairs. They want each other to always have many interesting and new things. Once Aries has overcome and completely conquered the other half, it is easy to feel depressed and break up sooner or later. To be an Aries half, you need to give them mystique and not be completely conquered.


Above are detailed information to explain the controversial issue in astrology "Who is the real leader of the 12 zodiac signs".

If you are among the 4 zodiac signs that are in charge, always keep in mind that strength is also based on softness, ingenuity or what is "soft power".

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