What is a Nation or Country?

Currently, no legal document defines what the term "nation" means.

However, based on practice and social development, there will be an answer to the question of what the term nation means.

A nation can be defined as an entity that possesses the characteristics of a sovereign territory, with the population living in the territory sharing common ideas about the history of formation and the selection of political, economic, and cultural systems. Cultural and social norms appropriate to the territory's residential communities.

Nation is a term used to describe a sovereign territory in which people are connected to one another, share interests, culture, religion, and suffer together. Governmental influence.

Currently, there are approximately 195 countries in the world, each with its own capital.

Nauru - Country Without A Capital and Army Force

Which Country in the World Has No Capital?
Because of its "pleasant" appearance, British explorer John Fearn named Nauru the Pleasant Island in the eighteenth century.

Not even a city serves as the capital of the nation of Nauru. Furthermore, the nation lacks an armed forces.

Micronesia, an Oceanian subregion, contains the island of Nauru, which is encircled by coral reefs. Northeast of Australia, in the Central Pacific, is where Nauru is situated.

One of the few nations without an official capital is this one.

Other than Vatican City and Monaco, the smallest republic in the world is smaller than any other country.

The capital of this island nation is supposedly Yaren, but in actuality Yaren is just a district with government offices covering an area of roughly 1.5 km². Furthermore, Nauru is among the nations lacking an armed forces. It is Australia's duty to maintain the security and tranquility of this island nation.

With an area of roughly 21 km2, Nauru is regarded as the smallest island nation in the world, located in Oceania. Due to its small size, the airport runway covers nearly the whole area of the nation. As a result, not many people are aware of Nauru's existence. Just 12,000 people live in this tiny island nation on Earth at the moment.

Nauru History

When it was first established, the island contained large reserves of phosphate rock formed from seabird excrement accumulated over thousands of years.

Nauru was first sighted by an English sailing vessel in 1798. Extensive contact with the Europeans began around the 1830s, when the whaling industry started penetrating eastern Micronesia. Nauru became a port of call for sailors in search of supplies. Soon European beachcombers settled in Nauru, bringing with them alcohol and foreign diseases. Not much is known about Nauru before the 19th century, which is when it became a German colony.

However, after the World War I, Nauru became a mandated territory within the League of Nations framework. During this process, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand were made the responsible authorities. Soon, it was captured by the Japanese during the World War II (1942). But as soon as the war ended, the country chose to enter into the United Nations trust territory, until 1968, when it finally gained independence. It also became a member of the Pacific Community.

Nauru Today

Which Country in the World Has No Capital?
Nauru is smaller than any nation except Vatican City and Monaco

Because of the massive phosphate deposits that centuries' worth of bird droppings have left behind, Nauru was once one of the richest places on earth.

But as time passed, the nation ran out of both luck and resources! After decades of strip mining, the phosphate reserves were depleted. Nauru's economy collapsed as a result, and in the early years of the twenty-first century, it nearly went bankrupt.

Nauru's predicament became so dire that it was forced to import foreign prisoners in return for outside assistance in order to survive. In actuality, there is a detention facility in Meneng, which is east of Yaren. Many immigrants are detained here, most of them are from Australia.

That's the location of Parliament House, the Nauru International Airport, and the Embassies of the two countries that have ambassadors to Nauru: Australia and Taiwan. The runway of Nauru's airport nearly spans the entire island due to its small size. Up until 2005, when Australian creditors repossessed the aircraft, the official airline used to land its sole jet there.

The sale and approval of phosphate mining brought in $2.5 billion for Nauru in 1975, giving the country's citizens the highest average income in the world. But after that, phosphate was depleted due to overexploitation, and the nation's finances started to deteriorate.

An estimated 90% of people in Nauru are unemployed at the moment, and the country has a high obesity rate as a result of eating a lot of unhealthy Western food. These dishes gained popularity during the nation's economic boom.

Nauru's situation has gotten so bad that the nation has to import prisoners in order to stay afloat.

In exchange for foreign aid, the nation has accepted a large number of overseas asylum seekers, particularly those found in Australia, turning it into the Southern Hemisphere's equivalent of Guantanamo.Yaren lies to the east of Meneng District. The detention facility is situated there.

Additionally, the presidential residence of the nation was situated in Meneng District. Regretfully, a furious mob destroyed it in 2001. There is a serious threat posed by the current trend of more detainees being brought into Nauru. But the big question still stands: will Meneng District become the nation's capital if Nauru's prison system keeps expanding faster than the rest of the nation? All we can do is wait and see what transpires.

How can Nauru survive without a capital city?

The world's least visited nation is Nauru. Situated almost exactly on the Equator in the Pacific, the island is home to fewer than 10,000 people. Less than 10% of them reside in the UN's main district or Yaren, which serves as the de facto capital.

The second capitals country might surprise you more. It's not that shocking after all, now that I think about it. After all, we are talking about the nation that, more than any other, defines neutrality, in part because it is the headquarters of the most international organization in the world and has participated in peacebuilding efforts across the globe. The nation is not a part of the European Union or the European Economic Area, and it did not even join the UN until 2002.

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