All twelve zodiac signs will embrace alterations in the upcoming week (from August 26 to September 1, 2024) due to the impact of the astrological cosmos. Discover's weekly horoscope, featuring intriguing and unexpected astrological predictions that will unveil insights into your love life, financial situation, work, health, and more for the upcoming week.

Learn more: September 2024 Monthly Horoscope For All 12 Zodiac Signs: Love, Career, Health and Finance

eekly horoscope for 12 zodiac signs in the new weekAugust 26 - September 1
Weekly horoscope of 12 zodiac signs in the new week (August 26 - September 1, 2024)

1. Aries (March 21 - April 19) from August 26 to September 1, 2024

The new weekly horoscope for the 12 zodiac signs predicts that Aries will begin the new week full of energy. However, you should not maintain a carefree attitude, leaving everything to chance, as this will only result in disappointment.

This week, you are also heavily influenced by those around you. This constellation will have to think hard about their love life in the coming week. You must take a serious look at your relationship, and both parties must communicate openly in order to find common ground. If the conflict continues for an extended period of time, the emotions fade.

If Aries intends to change jobs, now is the time to make a bold decision. The financial situation is generally stable, with no additional income and no shortages. Furthermore, because of today's sophisticated sales tactics, you must exercise caution when dealing with money.

In terms of health, there is nothing to worry about, but you should avoid being subjective and instead focus on taking care of your body. To maintain a healthy body, increase your exercise and follow a reasonable diet and lifestyle, and your weight and body goals will be met quickly.

2. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) from August 26 to September 1, 2019

Taurus is known for his excellent diplomacy, so that has helped a lot in his work. There are many people willing to help you at any time. However, sometimes you let your emotions affect your work, so just control yourself a little and everything will go much smoother.

This new week, Taurus still has to spend money on parties, you spend more money and may even fall into poverty despite trying to save. Maybe you need to quickly rearrange your income and expenditure plan if you don't want things to develop negatively in the long run.

Taurus's love life is extremely good. You are overwhelmed with happiness so you can ignore everything. Although there are some problems from the past that arise and make you unhappy, you have found a way to remove everything to ease your psychological burden.

Your health is not good, this zodiac sign needs to pay attention to some manifestations of endocrine disorders leading to acne. The body is tired and lethargic, so you need to rest to recover. Taking care of your health is always important, don't forget to exercise to increase resistance as well as protect yourself.

Learn more: TAURUS September 2024 Monthly Horoscope: Astrological Prediction of Love, Career, Money and Health

3. Gemini (May 21 - June 21) from August 26 to September 1, 2019

Gemini's work in the new week is basically not bad, but because of this constellation's impulsive personality, you cause a lot of trouble. Sometimes, you even blame others, making them unhappy and extremely dissatisfied with you. However, even though you are not supported by everyone, your superiors still appreciate what you have done.

The financial situation is quite good, it seems that all expenses are supported by relatives, there are no unexpected expenses that make you worry. However, Gemini should not rely on others, you need to proactively earn money, use it for your personal purposes, then you will know how to appreciate and spend more reasonably.

According to the weekly horoscope, your love life is not very good. Just because of small thoughts and daily problems, conflicts arise between the two of you. If you don't let it go soon and try to make the atmosphere tense, it will only make the conflicts more intense. You should also take the time to care more about your partner's feelings because that is also a way to improve your feelings.

Gemini, please note that when your body shows signs of not being well, you have to go through feelings of anger, heavy spirit, lack of calm. You may be affected by many external factors that make your body tired. On the weekend, you should not gather with friends but should take time to rest and relax to recharge your energy before starting the new week.

4. Cancer (June 22 - July 22) from August 26 to September 1, 2019

Your career is not as expected because although you try to complete your plan well, you cannot concentrate. It seems that you cannot find inspiration in your work, it is just a requirement and you just do it for the sake of it without putting your heart into it. Try changing your working method to something more suitable for you.

In important decisions related to finance, you should listen to other people's opinions, this helps you see the problem more comprehensively and be confident in your choices. This constellation is quite worried about money, not only for your family but also for yourself, there are too many things to spend so you have to worry about how to ensure your life.

The weekly horoscope predicts that Cancer's love life will be a bit challenging when you have to try to be strong to make your partner feel more secure about you. Your feelings for your partner are quite erratic, ups and downs are difficult to control, but in general, there are no major conflicts that bother you. Occasionally dating in romantic places helps to warm up the feelings between the two of you.

Health seems to be better than before, but it is not certain that the old symptoms will not recur, so you need to pay more attention to your body. Not only does it help bring physical health but also makes the spirit more refreshing and excited. In addition, you should try to maintain a scientific diet and lifestyle as at present.

5. Leo (July 23 - August 22) from August 26 to September 1, 2024

Work this week is quite stable, but Leo, don't forget to control your emotions well. Although there are issues that you feel dissatisfied with, but it is a collective decision, so you should try to complete your part rather than prove others wrong. Respecting everyone's opinions is also a way for you to reconsider your own point of view.

This week, Leo's money problem shows signs of decline, you spend more than planned because you buy too many luxury and expensive items, so this time you should remember to control your financial situation well, avoid expenses that make you feel regretful later.

Leo clearly feels that he is a lucky person in love because of the Hong Loan star shining on him. This week you become more charming, attractive and many people express their admiration for you. You become more active, happy, satisfied with what you have. Because of this optimism, you radiate extremely positive energy to everyone around you.

Your health is not good, this zodiac sign should pay attention to problems related to the digestive tract, feeling of loss of appetite, possibly affected by pressure and stress. In addition, working with computer or phone screens makes your eyes sore, you need to limit their use when you get home.

Learn more: LEO September 2024 Monthly Horoscope: Astrological Prediction of Love, Career, Money and Health

6. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) from August 26 to September 1, 2024

Virgo's love life is not as expected, the person you secretly love does not send any signals, and does not care at all, making you feel sad. Couples feel depressed, you and your lover feel no longer connected like before, the distance between the two of you is getting farther and farther, so the feelings gradually fade away. People who have been in love for a long time will often have to go through this difficult period.

The work of this zodiac sign is quite stable, you have more free time and learn more experience from colleagues. Everything is progressing very well, you also have the opportunity to show your ability, if you know how to take advantage of the opportunity, you can also be promoted to a better position in the future. The important thing is to have a serious working attitude and never stop trying and making efforts.

The weekly horoscope predicts that Virgo's finances this week are not good, you will have to face some problems related to money. You spend a lot of money on family problems, although it is necessary to spend, you feel a little sad. However, you should not be too depressed, because you have helped your loved ones in the family overcome difficulties. The opportunity to improve income will never disappear if you work hard.

In terms of health, this constellation is basically only maintained at an average level, sometimes you are a little worried because lack of sleep begins to appear. You should have more rest time to recover fully. You need to stop your habit of staying up late because it is the cause of your biological clock being disturbed. If you improve this, your health will soon stabilize again.

7. Libra (September 23 - October 22) from August 26 to September 1, 2024

The weekly horoscope of the 12 zodiac signs predicts that Libra has a good opportunity to make money, make good use of what you have, at this time, many people are even jealous of what you have. Just promote your ability to persuade, your eloquence, your plans will definitely be implemented, even the revenue will exceed expectations. You pocket a large amount of money.

Your work is progressing quite smoothly, not only paying attention to your work, you are also very interested in building good relationships with colleagues. That is why, even if you fall into difficult situations, or have any unexpected problems, as long as you speak up, there will be people to help and support you enthusiastically. You work very hard, tirelessly with the desire to achieve your goals.

However, this constellation will find it difficult to get the other person's affection. You are sad but cannot change reality. But there are many people around who are always ready to be by your side and share all the problems in life with you. Libra has a couple who has a little disagreement, but if you stay calm and resolve it gently, things will not be too stressful.

The health of this zodiac sign is not good, you tend to skip meals, eat irregularly because you are too absorbed in work. You need to balance your work and rest time, do not let yourself work too hard, at some point your body will not be able to endure it and will collapse at any time. Moreover, your spirit is not alert enough to achieve high efficiency.

8. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) from August 26 to September 1, 2024

Scorpio's love life is very good this week, single people are not afraid of failure, you muster up the courage to express your feelings. In the coming days, you always show your positive energy to your partner, making the relationship between the two of you develop better. Couples are immersed in passionate, passionate feelings of love. That person may give you a surprise gift.

According to the weekly horoscope, work is also very favorable, you always try to do the assigned tasks in the best way, building harmonious relationships with colleagues. Do not miss any small opportunity to show your ability, your superiors highly appreciate your hard-working spirit. Keep up this form, success will surely come to you soon. No matter how difficult it is, do not falter or give up.

The financial situation of this zodiac sign is relatively stable, both main and secondary sources of income are showing signs of improvement. With plenty of money, you can spend more freely, no longer having to hesitate or procrastinate too much. You should also reward yourself with something, enjoy the effort you have made. Don't forget to spend a little on savings, this is very necessary.

In terms of health, this zodiac sign has improved, you should try to maintain an optimistic way of thinking, don't get angry because small things not only reduce your spirit but also affect your health. Besides, you also need to change your diet appropriately to always feel delicious, take time to rest whenever you feel tired instead of trying to endure.

9. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) from August 26 to September 1, 2024

Sagittarius's career is not as favorable as expected, you must be very patient to avoid encountering bigger obstacles. You should listen to the needs of others to consider reasonable solutions. There are many changes at work, there will be some difficult tasks, you may need to spend more time to solve them but the results are not very satisfactory.

Sagittarius's love luck is going down, you need to learn more to consider the other person's feelings and not just focus on your own thoughts. You don't have many ideas while the other person is quite picky, so to come to a final decision, both need to find a common voice. Sometimes both need to sacrifice to achieve harmony.

This constellation shows its kindness, but while helping others, you are still facing an extremely difficult financial situation. You have to spend more and often spend quite impulsively and without control. It is better for you to look at your financial situation rather than trying to do things beyond your ability that are unnecessary. Your health is improving this week, maintain your current condition well with a healthy diet, stay away from greasy foods and fast food. In addition, you should also practice the habit of going to bed early and waking up early so that your body has the most abundant energy when starting a new day. Moreover, it also helps your body function better.

10. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) from August 26 to September 1, 2019

Capricorn needs to create a romantic atmosphere for the two of you to refresh your love life. Sometimes you like to have your own space, no one disturbs you so you can hide your feelings, but you should not let this situation last. Especially when you are sad, you should share and confide in your lover more, so that they feel like a solid support for you.

This zodiac sign is quite enthusiastic and devoted to work, however, you should also pay attention to relationships with colleagues or subordinates that may disagree. You have a bad mood this week, your emotions are difficult to express clearly, sometimes you do not control yourself and act without thinking, and this is the reason that prevents you from succeeding.

You need to learn how to please yourself to be happy, don't let anyone hold your joy and happiness because then you will never know what you can do for this world. Basically, you are lucky in terms of money. Not only do you not have to spend a lot of money on shopping, but you also have additional sources of income to stabilize your finances.

Weekly horoscope predicts that Capricorn's health is not good, you work too much and forget to take care of yourself. Lack of sleep makes your body lifeless, always looking lethargic and tired. Therefore, work efficiency is also significantly reduced, your spirit is hot and cold. It would be better for you to take some time to rest.

Learn more: CAPRICORN September 2024 Monthly Horoscope: Astrological Prediction of Love, Career, Money and Health

11. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) from August 26 to September 1, 2019

The weekly horoscope of the 12 zodiac signs shows that Aquarius encounters difficult problems at work that make you tired and lose focus, which significantly reduces work efficiency. You put in a lot of effort but the results do not seem to be as expected. Your superiors may blame you, even though it may be a bit harsh, but that is also what helps you improve yourself. Sometimes the pressure is too great, making you want to give up everything.

The finances of this constellation are not bad, certain investments will have a good income, those who follow the business and trade career will have a lot of luck, the profits you earn are quite large. At this time, you need to make good plans because there will be many unexpected things in the future, and you should not be subjective and spend money on unnecessary things. Even if you have a lot of money, it will quickly run out.

Health has positive signs, you should pay attention to eating lightly, if your stomach is uncomfortable, you can drink more mineral water. Exercise is necessary to improve physical health such as jogging, yoga can both train the body, have a slim figure and the spirit also becomes more refreshed and excited.

In terms of love, Aquarius has a small problem. It seems that you and your lover do not really understand each other, misunderstanding each other makes the relationship develop in a bad direction. However, even when you know you are wrong, you are still stubborn and stubborn, refusing to admit it for fear of losing face. You think this is a way to protect yourself, but it only makes your relationship more conflicted.

12. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) from August 26 to September 1, 2019

Pisces, there are many things to solve. You should work carefully to achieve the best results. You want to finish your work quickly, but unfortunately things are not going as planned and you feel tired and frustrated. You should put in a little more effort, then the results will definitely be better. Difficulties are inevitable, the important thing is how you face them.

Weekly horoscope predicts that the fortune of this constellation is not very good, consider your expenses more, avoid unnecessary spending, save some money, they will be useful for your future. The income from the main job is relatively stable but you still do not feel very satisfied, spending is not comfortable. If you want to improve, you should try doing some other jobs.

The health of this constellation has some minor problems but in general, it is not too bad. Occasionally headaches, dizziness or colds due to weather changes cannot be ignored, you must quickly seek treatment so that the illness does not become serious. In addition, you should also practice regular exercise to help your body become more flexible, your mind also becomes more alert and clear.

However, love affairs are very good. People around this zodiac sign, especially the person you have special feelings for, always pay attention to you. If that person has "given the green light", then boldly move forward. For Pisces in pairs, a positive change in personality will make your relationship with that person more harmonious, and conflicts will gradually be resolved.

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