VIRGO Horoscope August 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money

An overview for the month ahead - August 2021

The month for Virgo starts with the leftover energy from the Mercury and Sun conjunction that happened on the last day of July. This transit happened in your 12th house of secrets, the subconscious, and the mysteries of life. The Sun here represents your ego, while Mercury how you think and project that ego into the world. Having this transit happen in a house that is so tucked away from the light might have gotten you shaken a little.

Mars will be transiting through your 1st house throughout this whole month. With the feeling of detachment caused by the Mercury conjunction, this can be a source of irritability. There can be a tendency to be impatient with yourself. Watch out for being overly critical. Resistance is your worst enemy..

Mid-month, the warrior planet will also be meddling with another longer transit that has played a notable role in shaping this year's theme. In September of last year, the North Node made a shift into the sign of Gemini. This is an 18-month long transit taking place in your 10th house. There's a chance that this was quite a challenging year in your workplace. You may have had a difficult time adjusting to a new coworker or a change in work dynamics. Gemini is a sign of adaptability, and when a problematic transit happens in the sign, it aims to push us to become more flexible and open to new ways to tackle an obstacle.

The Leo New Moon happening on the 8th is here to awaken your inner lion. As a Virgo, you likely enjoy staying backstage since that's where you have the most control over situations. Nothing can get past your keen eye for flaws, and assuming an observer's role is where your traits as a fabulous helper shine. Still, this new Lunar cycle is here to force you out of the backstage so you can get some credit for your many talents.

The Aquarius Full Moon comes to close the month on a good note. It's happening in your 6th house, which could indicate a period of slight inner turmoil. You may fall under the trappings of thinking you aren't doing enough, and somehow you don't deserve your current situation—good or bad. This calls for relaxation so you can think upon your current efforts. Have you been not doing enough, or are you just being overly critical? Avoid chasing self-betterment at the cost of your own wellbeing. It's okay to lay low for a while. If you're feeling drained, take a break. Time is literally endless.

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Virgo Monthly Horoscope for Love - August 2021

VIRGO Horoscope August 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money
Photo: Ganesha Speaks

August 2021 prediction for Virgo love relationships predicts that you will be highly dynamic and full of energy. Your friends will try to restrain your actions. You are looking for clarity in relationships in spite of being uninhibited.

Virgo compatibility will see major transformations in their love relationships. You go by your instincts and you have the cooperation of your life partner for your actions. Love life will be extremely enjoyable with plenty of action and socializing. Single virgins are looking for flings than permanent relationships. The second half of the month is favorable for committing yourself to a good love alliance.

The Virgo Man is attentive and warm in his private life, enthralled by fondness, fascinated by the tactile sensation and as meticulous as in any other activity. As a lover and husband, he is a bit childish and dependent, he is overjoyed for the affection he receives and for any appreciation, no matter how small it is; he will do anything to deserve them.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope for Travel - August 2021

Apart from travel, this month brings gain and pleasure. This would also enrich you, both in terms of learning and contacts as well as in terms of material benefits, since the stars are quite favourably placed. Those undertaking any trip abroad would find that their objectives are more than fulfilled.

In fact, those make one during the coming month, should do so since the time is propitious for such a venture. There would also be a great deal of travel within the country. This would also be quite beneficial, with the most favourable direction being North.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope for Career - August 2021

VIRGO Horoscope August 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money
Photo: Ganesha Speaks

There is very little of a congenial nature for your professional prospects in the augury from the stars this month. You would have to work very hard, and what is more feel the burden of work. Nothing interesting is likely to happen. And to compound your woes, with all this effort there would be little likelihood of realizing expected gains.

There is some consolation in the fact that association with several gifted people of learning would bring some marginal material gains, and a fair degree of mental satisfaction. A small quantity of travel would bear some fruit. The most advantageous direction would be west.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope for Education - August 2021

Nothing particularly beneficial about the augury from the stars, in so far as your educational prospects are concerned. Most of you would find yourself struggling quite a bit to get to your objectives. Those going in for higher studies would face a particularly difficult period. They should, therefore, remain patient and not give up in the face of difficulties.

Those appearing for competitive examinations should go in for extra coaching since under the circumstances, this could well be the deciding factor for success. Those pursuing accountancy, journalism, and other forms of mass- communications would also face a rough time.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope for Health - August 2021

VIRGO Horoscope August 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money
Photo: Ganesha Speaks

2021 monthly horoscope for Virgo zodiac sign forecast a disturbing situation on the health front. Serious ailments tend to reappear and your stress levels will go up due to overwork. Proper medication and sufficient relaxation will be required to maintain good health. You have to change your working habits and time your activities to remain peaceful. Regular exercise and a healthy diet are very much important to maintain your fitness.

If you do this properly, there is no cause for worry on this score. Further, even though the turn of events may lead you to unpleasant people and places, you must with grit refuse to be led to such places and people, since this would directly affect your health.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope for Family - August 2021

A trying time for your family with practically nothing going right for them, since the stellar influences are all quite negative. Apart from the possibility of some serious trouble from your servants, some of you could develop serious strains in your relations with your maternal relatives.

You must not allow yourself to be swayed by anger and refuse to be provoked into any confrontation. This could go a long way in keeping you out of trouble. The family atmosphere would remain tension-ridden practically throughout the month. Pay special attention to children since their affairs might call for closer security, devoting more time and energy to this.

Virgo Children Predictions in August

Nothing particularly favourable about the augury from the stars in so far as your children’s prospect are concerned this month. The performance of most of them would remain below normal. However, those pursuing any practical trade or apprenticeship would do relatively better.

In fact, most of them may display a higher order of skills than usual with their hands. This should be encouraged whenever possible. Further, there are chances that some of them would get into trouble with an elderly person, could be a family member resulting in unpleasant consequences. Parents should intervene to control things.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope for Finance - August 2021

VIRGO Horoscope August 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money
Photo: Ganesha Speaks

The configuration of stars facing you is none too favorable, and so there are the prospects for your financial advancement. There is a distinct possibility that some of you would be influenced by a mean streak that would goad you on to exploit your workers, juniors, or even people below you in the social strata for your personal advantage.

This would be met with stiff resistance and turn into an extremely unpleasant situation. Curb such tendencies. Artists should make provisions for the rainy day, since they might face a ban period. Even otherwise, the climate would not be congenial for investment and the launching of new ventures. These could easily get stuck.

Planetary influences are not very encouraging and this will not help businessmen to start new projects. Speculations will end up in losses and no surplus money will be available for investment purposes.

Virgo August Important numbers: 1, 7, 13

Virgo August important dates: 9, 10, 16, 26, 27

Horoscope August special note:

If you plan to start a diet, intense physical exercise or have other plans that will require great discipline from you, start working in the middle of the month. Do not hesitate to ask people who are experienced in the issues you care about - they can really help.

READ MORE: August 2021 Horoscope - Monthly Predictions for All 12 Zodiac Signs in Love, Career, Health, and Finance!

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