The monthly horoscope for July reveals that there are some zodiac signs will be the unluckiest this month. We can expect a plethora of transits that will affect all 12 of the signs. To start, many signs will see brighter days, and the months of April, May, and July appear to be the most popular in terms of luck!

However, there is someone is less lucky than the other this July! Let's check out our list below if you are one of the top 3 unluckiest zodiac signs this month!

Top 3 unluckiest zodiac signs in July, according to astrology

Aries (March 21–April 19)

In July, those with an Aries sun sign will be faced with finally letting go of your past, so you can move into the future with ease. This release will feel like a big weight being lifted from your shoulders, but it will require accountability to experience the deep inner work and soul healing.

July Monthly Horoscope: Top 3 Unluckiest Zodiac Signs

By persisting in holding onto outdated memories, narratives, beliefs, and relationships, you will only subject yourself to unnecessary suffering. It is crucial to engage in self-reflection in order to avoid this.

It appears that Jupiter is preparing to enter retrograde and move back into your 12th house. The transition from the 1st to the 12th can often be quite dramatic. July is a time to prepare for bidding farewell to the multitude of blessings bestowed by Jupiter. July is an exceptionally peculiar month for you, unlike any other. At the beginning of the month, you'll experience a surge of positive energy as many blessings come your way in your 1st house. However, this energy will gradually fade, leading us into the most dramatic transit of the year. Similar to the way an astrologer would predict, the transit-only event is set to take place on the 1st of August. However, the entire month leading up to it is a gradual progression.

Best Ways for Aries to give up bad luck in July

One way for Aries to overcome obstacles is by trying on their own, without being stubborn. Understanding the art of timing is crucial - knowing when to hold on and when to release. It's important to gracefully let go when necessary, rather than stubbornly clinging to something out of pride.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Leos, just like the other fixed signs, are in need of a well-deserved break. Collaborating and engaging with others may have felt dry and laborious at times, as Saturn transited through your 7th house. Those with fixed signs, such as yourself, may find that this month doesn't offer as much of a respite as it does for other signs.

July Monthly Horoscope: Top 3 Unluckiest Zodiac Signs

When Mars enters your 10th house on the 5th of July, it may create some challenges that could affect your ability to make significant life-changing decisions according to your preferences. However, the New Moon of the 28th of July brings a unique energy. It's important to give this one some extra attention, as we'll already be in Leo season when it occurs. This means that the New Moon will happen in your very own 1st house or sign.

Overall, July serves as a preparation period for the events that will unfold in August. If the information in this horoscope seemed unsettling or concerning, it may be helpful to take a moment to relax and collect yourself. Just because there might be a thunderstorm next week, there's no need to let it dampen your spirits on a sunny day like today. Consider this an opportunity to fully embrace the joys of July and prepare contingency plans for the coming month in case of any potential instability. If you have a knack for sensing these energies ahead of time, you can leverage that to your benefit by positioning yourself at the center of the action. Challenges can be seen as opportunities for growth and personal development.

Best Ways for Leo to give up bad luck in July

Persistence will definitely win, Leo, set goals and follow them step by step, you will receive well-deserved success.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

For individuals with a Libra sun sign, there might have been a feeling of stagnation in their personal relationships, whether they are friendships or romantic partnerships. Expect major shifts and transformations in the upcoming month, especially for those born under the sign of Libra. You will no longer feel like you don't belong in your social circles.

July Monthly Horoscope: Top 3 Unluckiest Zodiac Signs

There is a beautiful alignment of energies that will foster a deep sense of connection in your romantic, friendly, and professional relationships. Exciting opportunities to meet new friends are just around the corner.

July could potentially be a time of revitalization for your personal relationships, as well as a period of increased focus on your health. Consider exploring health-related activities like joining a new gym, participating in a weekly workout class, training for a marathon, or enrolling in a health-related program. By prioritizing yourself, you can overcome the obstacles that are holding you back from reaching your goals.

Best Ways for Libra to Eliminate bad luck in July

For Libra, the most important thing is change, finding new methods. Looking at problems from a fresh, creative and relaxed angle will make it easier for Libra to succeed.


Regrettably, July does not seem to be favoring you in terms of money, love, and career. You find yourself among the three most unfortunate zodiac signs during this time. However, don't be too disheartened because even in unfortunate circumstances, there are often hidden opportunities for you to succeed in life.

If you put in the effort, lead a positive and proactive life, and seize opportunities with determination, there is a possibility of a breakthrough in July, despite being among the three zodiac signs considered less fortunate, as per astrological beliefs.

If you are among the three unlucky zodiac signs, check out your July monthly horoscope to find solutions to your luck.

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