These 5 Zodiac Signs That Are Always Disorganized - Top Messiest Zodiac Signs
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Disorganzied and Messiest Zodiac Signs. Photo: |
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Some people believe that knowing your Zodiac sign might help you make decisions throughout your entire life. It may forecast your ideal romantic partner, professional future, and even tell you where your strengths lie. It can predict whether you'll grow up to be a hot mess or a Type A control freak. Which star signs are known for being the messiest?
Who are the 5 Messiest Zodiac Signs?
1. Gemini
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Photo: Society6 |
To begin, a Gemini is probably disorganized because they are usually on the go. When there's a party to go to, who wants to clean? Their home is more of a stopover than anything else, so it's okay if things get thrown around as they race from one destination to the next. Maintaining order in your possessions should never take precedence over visiting with friends and family.
This is also a sign of someone who is prone to flitting around from one thing to the next. Therefore, maintaining or establishing order is not only not a priority, but can be quite difficult (not that a clever, vivacious, problem-solving Gemini would shy away from such a test).
![]() Your Zodiac sign, or star sign, reflects the position of the sun when you were born. Here's everything you should know about GEMINI. |
2. Leo
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Photo: Society6 |
Leos are the only fire sign who manage to avoid clutter because to their lighthearted nature. They are untidy because they expect others to clean up after them. They think they could be more useful directing the action and keeping spirits high.
A Leo is endearing because they are generous with their time and energy and hilarious to be around. However, they may look down on "menial" duties like cleaning—even cleaning up after themselves—because of their predisposition to be a little bit (or a lot) vain. They are also the type to look at the big picture. The house may be a little dirty, but that's okay. Is there even a difference?
![]() You bring fiery intensity to everything you do, including work. When you believe in what you are doing, there’s no stopping you, Leo. |
3. Sagittarius
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Photo: Society6 |
They may not put in as much effort into their looks or home because they are always on the go. They are so dedicated to seeing the world with just one backpack that the fact that it hasn't been washed in months won't phase them in the least.
Independence, adventure, happiness, and humor are all highly valued by Sagittarians, as are many other qualities of life. However, it would take some digging to discover advice on tidiness at home.
They are almost never at home since they are always plotting your next exciting excursion. They don't see the need in cleaning something they know will get dirty again. Even though they may need some help keeping the house in order, you can very much count on them never making it a priority.
![]() Sagittarius is represented by the symbol of the archer — and just like its arrow-slinging archetype, this sign loves to set its sights on the ... |
4. Libra
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Photo: Women's Health |
Libra, contrary to popular belief, the zodiac's "sign of harmony" is not particularly fond of order. They despise cleaning because their parents haven't really harped on them to keep things neat and orderly at home. The messiness of a Libran makes them an unattractive roommate.
You may feel out of place on this list, but you can be certain that it is accurate. You have a reputation for appreciating aesthetics, but it doesn't necessarily translate into meticulous upkeep.
You like to treat yourself every once in a while, but you don't sweat the small stuff when it comes to maintaining a spotless environment. If you're organizing an event, like a true Gemini, you'll spare no expense in making it a success. But it takes a major production for you to even think about it.
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5. Aquarius
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Photo: Society6 |
Those who are familiar with Hamlet may recognize the phrase "Though this be madness, yet there is method in it." This is the story of an Aquarius, my bros. This sign despises routine and tradition so much that they frequently find happiness in anarchy. However, it is not enough for them to simply think of new ways to use the box; they must re-purpose the box to be something more than a box.
Possibly incorporate a motor... and some sparkles. An Aquarius may seem disorganized to the uninitiated, but rest assured that they have a system in place to help them keep track of all the moving parts. This is a permanent sign, people: they have a certain, untidy taste, and it's not their fault if you don't share it.
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