El Camino de la Muerte - The most dangerous road in the world
El Camino de la Muerte - The most dangerous road in the world

El Camino de la Muerte - The most dangerous road in the world

El Camino de la Muerte (death road), also known as North Yungas, is well-known for both its majestic beauty and the dangers caused by the narrow, winding road that runs along the edge of a deep abyss. and have a limited vision.

North Yungas is a 60-kilometer-long climbing road that connects Bolivia's capital, La Paz, to Coroico during the 1930s Chaco War.

North Yungas Road is still extremely narrow, only 3 meters wide
North Yungas Road is still extremely narrow, only 3 meters wide

The road begins at 4650 meters at La Cumbre Pass and descends steeply to Coroico, Bolivia's Yungas region. Temperatures can vary from freezing cold to warm, even sultry, due to high altitude fluctuations. The North Yungas road is not only difficult due to its altitude, but it is also extremely narrow, only 3 meters wide, and located on the edge of a mountain range that is frequently covered in fog and dust in the summer, making it difficult to see.

North Yungas was voted 'the most dangerous road in the world' in 1995
North Yungas was voted 'the most dangerous road in the world' in 1995

The road is slick and wet due to the year-round rain. Heavy rains can wash rocks from mountains onto roads, creating a significant hazard for vehicles. Every year, approximately 300 people die on this road. In 1995, the US Federal Development Bank ranked the North Yungas as "the most dangerous road in the world".

Bolivia built a new road between La Paz and Coroico with safety in mind, which was completed in 2006.

Read more: Top 10 Most Dangerous Roads In The US

The destination attracts tourists

North Yungas is a climbing route built during the Chaco War
North Yungas is a climbing route built during the Chaco War

Despite the dangers of the North Yungas, approximately 25,000 tourists from all over the world come here each year to test their mettle on this road. This road has become a popular destination for mountain bikers and adventurers.

About 25,000 visitors from all over the world come to challenge themselves on this road
About 25,000 visitors from all over the world come to challenge themselves on this road

Cycling through the North Yungas can take up to 6-7 hours. Bolivia Hop, a popular tour company, typically departs at 10 a.m. and offers visitors experiences on steep roads, dense forests, and majestic waterfalls during the summer months.

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