October 2024 Monthly Horoscope: Top 4 Unluckiest Zodiac Signs, According to Astrology October 2024 Monthly Horoscope: Top 4 Unluckiest Zodiac Signs, According to Astrology

If you were born in October, your zodiac sign is either Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd) or Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st). Each sign has its own unique traits and characteristics. Will Libra and Scopio the luckiest signs this months? Read it on!

October 2024 Monthly Horoscope: Top 4 Luckiest Zodiac Signs, According to Astrology
Top 4 Luckiest Zodiac Signs, According to Astrology

Top 4 Luckiest Zodiac Signs, According to Astrology

1. Taurus

October theme: Make a conscious effort to improve your emotions

Overall luck: ★★★★★

Lucky date: For Taurus, October will bring wonderful, memorable moments, especially on October 12. When the Moon is in the constellation Taurus, the brave buffalo will feel a sense of security. healthy and stable. This gives Taurus strength and confidence in all his decisions and actions.

This month is the time to change your thinking and improve your luck. If your thoughts start to become negative, take in the beautiful scenery or enjoy delicious food to lift your spirits. By consciously directing your mind to the positive, you will be able to socialize better.

Financially, you may encounter blessings such as receiving a gift you desire or winning a prize in a sweepstakes. If you're lucky, don't waste it and use your rewards wisely.

In terms of health, be careful not to catch a cold. Make sure to wear clothes underneath to avoid getting cold, especially around the stomach. Light aerobic exercise is also effective.

Luck in love: ★★★★☆

Taurus is in a great love mood. For single people, this is the time when you are eager to meet your ideal type. In love, things will probably go more smoothly if you are proactive. Regularly pay attention to each other's feelings and slowly bring your thoughts closer together by talking to each other.

For couples, there may be a romantic event that helps them discover a new side of their partner. In addition to love, a feeling of respect is also likely to develop. Strive to perfect your inner self so that you can become an understanding partner.

Luck at work: ★★★★☆

It's certainly tempting to dream big because you're doing well, but don't rush it; maintaining the status quo is wise. You may find weaknesses or shortcomings in unexpected places and may easily give up. Now is the time for you to look at yourself and improve each area that needs improvement. This will help your level improve steadily and you will be able to see the path to future success.

You can also expect to gain more trust from those around you because your serious attitude is appreciated.

Foods that increase luck: Udon noodles, chili

2. Gemini

October 2024 Monthly Horoscope: Top 4 Luckiest Zodiac Signs, According to Astrology

October theme: Try your best towards your dream

Overall luck: ★★★★★

Lucky date: As soon as Mercury stops retrograde, October 18 is when Gemini welcomes emotional and spiritual changes. Gemini will actively "open up" to feel and understand others. Thereby, they confidently express their thoughts and feelings more than ever.

Gemini's luck is very good. This month is when your dreams come closer to reality. Believe in your decisions and keep doing your best. Surely you will get better results than you expected. In addition, if you react quickly to changes in your surroundings, you will receive a lot of support. Your vision will be broader.

Stable financial luck. Enjoy saving while shopping by taking advantage of money-saving formulas and great deals. Your luck will improve further.

From a health perspective, this is a good time to cleanse your stomach area. Make sure to adjust your eating habits to prevent constipation and improve your intestinal environment!

Luck in love: ★★★☆☆

Gemini's love is sometimes difficult to understand. When you are single, you should proactively meet people. You often feel nervous even when talking about small things and others can sense it. For now, it seems appropriate to enjoy a casual conversation without romance.

Couples tend to work harder than necessary to highlight their strengths. Both you and the other person will be tired, so try to relax more and act naturally. Also appreciate the youthfulness that is characteristic of a Gemini.

Luck at work: ★★★★★

Lucky work full of energy. This month is your chance to take a big leap by leveraging your special strengths and skills. By approaching everything with a strong positive attitude, you will be able to achieve results that exceed your expectations. If there's something you haven't tried yet or you've always wanted to try, now is the perfect time to try it.

Make the most of the experience and skills you've cultivated so far and step into a new world. This needs to be noticed by those around you.

Foods that increase luck: Pork ribs, kiwi

READ MORE: September 2024 Monthly Horoscope: Top 4 Luckiest Zodiac Signs, According to Astrology

3. Libra

October 2024 Monthly Horoscope: Top 4 Luckiest Zodiac Signs, According to Astrology

October theme: Positively try on everything for the first time

Overall luck: ★★★★★

Lucky date: Libra's luckiest day this month is October 4, when Venus conjuncts Jupiter. This combination has a positive impact on Libra's career progress. Libra can expect promotion opportunities during this time.

Libra's luck this month is very good. October is the time when Libra's sociable attitude will be viewed positively. This is also a good time to try something new, as you will be recognized and motivated by those around you. You will be able to get support from many people and everything will go smoothly. Be more proactive.

When it comes to finances, you tend to loosen your purse strings. Try visualizing your income and expenses with your household account books and eliminate unaccounted money.

In terms of health, you should pay attention to your physical and mental condition. Also, be careful of problems like bronchitis and rhinitis.

Luck in love: ★★★★☆

Singles may have luck with encounters that excite them. However, there are also signs of trouble, such as having different values ​​or the person already liking someone else. Calmly think about what to do next without drawing your attention away from the negative aspects.

For couples, practical life issues such as balancing work and housework will be emphasized. It may be difficult, but if you don't give up and communicate with your partner, your relationship will become deeper and deeper.

Luck at work: ★★★★★

Work will be full of energy. This month, it seems like there will be an environment where you can show off the skills you've honed so far. Move towards your goal using everything you have. You will be able to cross the finish line faster than you expected.

Additionally, once you have some idea of ​​achieving your goals, you should proactively take on the role of training your subordinates. By sharing your knowledge and skills, you will make new discoveries and realize even more goals and dreams.

Foods that increase luck: Red foods, chestnuts

READ MORE: September 2024 Monthly Horoscope: Top 3 Unluckiest Zodiac Signs, According to Astrology

4. Aquarius

October theme: Bright mood is the highlight

Overall luck: ★★★★★

Lucky date: Good things can come to Aquarius people on October 25, when the Moon enters this zodiac sign. This coincidence will highlight the personality and uniqueness of Aquarius, successfully attracting attention from others.

There are signs that your luck is improving, such as solving problems that have been bothering you for a long time. You will be filled with a sense of freedom and feel happy for the first time in a long time. If you invite like-minded friends and plan a small group leisure trip, you'll be able to rest and move forward with a new mindset.

In terms of money, there are signs that you will become more generous and wasteful spending will increase. You should budget monthly and track your cash flow.

In terms of health, this is the time when blood circulation is poor due to cold, easily leading to problems such as stiff shoulders. Try some fun ways to move your body, such as walking or dancing.

Luck in love: ★★☆☆☆

Luck in love is not high. When you're single, your feelings for your partner may increase, but that's when you don't have many opportunities. Even though you're worried, don't be in a hurry. Now, study the other person's interests and values ​​during a conversation and gradually close the gap with them.

No matter how close a couple is, there are places that they should definitely not enter. If you cross that border, you could be in more trouble than you think, so be careful.

Luck at work: ★★★★★

Luck at work is quite high. This month, it's better to relax and take it easy instead of working hard and being stressed. By relaxing your shoulders, your vision will expand, which is a sign that you can function better. In addition, in the first half of the month, if you do everything in the right order and move forward in cooperation with people around you, it is a sign of luck.

Your relationships with colleagues will improve, and discussions and ideas will become more interesting. You may come up with a good idea that will lead to success.

Foods to increase luck: Fresh spring rolls, milk


Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius are four zodiac signs that might have good luck this month. The constellations of those four shine brightly among the happiest zodiac signs this month. Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius are known for their innate kindness and remarkable ability to navigate their emotions.

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