OCTOBER 2024 Haircut Calendar: Lucky and Unlucky Time/Dates by Feng Shui
OCTOBER 2024 Haircut Calendar

Why should we choose a good day for haircuts?

Folklore holds that picking a good haircut day will improve one's physical and mental well-being in numerous ways. In particular, the following are some advantages of picking an excellent haircut day in October:

Increases luck and fortune: It's believed that cutting your hair short on lucky days would benefit you and your family.

Boost health: It's been suggested that cutting hair on a good day might uplift one's mood and promote relaxation.

Alter destiny: It's believed that cutting one's hair on a good day might alter destiny and bring about greater things in life.

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What elements should be considered before getting a hair cut

It's crucial to cut your hair on a favorable day in October 2024 as this will increase your chances of luck and prosperity. But before opting to cut your hair, consider a few crucial factors like these in addition to choose a good day and time:

It's best for bereaved individuals to refrain from shaving their hair

Spiritual considerations dictate that you shouldn't cut your hair while there is a mourning period in the home. This will have a detrimental impact on luck and health by weakening the family's aura. Furthermore, cutting your hair at the funeral demonstrates a lack of regard for the deceased. Consequently, you should wait to cut your hair until the necessary rites are performed.

Don't get your hair cut on the full moon day or at the start of the month

It's best to refrain from cutting your hair on the first of the month or on the full moon day. If the month is new, you should avoid cutting your hair between the first and third of the month because these are unfavorable days. These are the days when you will most likely lose luck and fortune in October if you cut your hair.

In addition, every month's full moon day is observed as a day of devotion and remembrance for the dead. You will also get terrible luck if you cut your hair on this day. Not only that, but there's a chance you could lose money or experience bad health outcomes.

Never cut your hair after dark

Since the bad energy is higher at night than it is during the day, wild spirits frequently look for cover during this time. In feng shui, cutting your hair at night diminishes positive energy, thus do not do so.

Don'ts have hair cuts right before examinations or big occasions

Exams are always significant in a person's life since they have an impact on their professional destiny. Therefore, you should refrain from trimming your hair right before the exam since hair represents an owner's wisdom, wealth, and good fortune. Moreover, hair cutting need to be avoided for other significant occasions like housewarmings and weddings.

Don't cutting your hair when the stars aren't aligned.

In addition to finding out when it's best to cut your hair in October 2024, you should avoid cutting your hair on negative days, often known as "black days," or days when bad stars are aligned with your destiny. These are all days of negative energy, thus they will have a significant impact on your health, wealth, and luck.

Lucky Time/Dates To Have Haircut in October 2024

OCTOBER 2024 Haircut Calendar: Lucky and Unlucky Time/Dates by Feng Shui

If you do not have an urgent need to cut your hair, you can plan your haircut for October 20, 2024, or you can opt to cut it during the previously specified zodiac hour. According to feng shui, choose a good day will increase your prosperity and luck as well as provide you a stronger sense of spiritual security.

Week 1:

Except for October 1 and October 4, which are awful days that might easily bring numerous troubles in your career and life, you can choose any day of the week if you need to cut your hair immediately. unfortunate circumstances.

Week 2:

There are three days in the second week of October 2024 that are suitable for getting a haircut: October 7, October 8, and October 21. You can explicitly refer to the following table:

Monday, October 7, 2024

Lucky hours: Rooster (5pm–7pm), Monkey (1am–5pm), Pig (9pm–11pm), Tiger (3am–5am), and Dragon (7am–9am, Snake (9am–11am).

Tuesday October 8, 2024

Lucky hours: Horse (11 a.m.–1 p.m.), Goat (1 p.m.–1 p.m.), Dog (7 p.m.–9 p.m.), Minh Duong Pig (9 p.m.–11 p.m.), Ox (1 p.m.–3 a.m.), Dragon (7 a.m.–9 a.m.)

Saturday, October 21, 2024

Lucky hours: Rooster (5pm–7pm), Horse (11am–1pm), Goat (1pm–3pm), and Kim Duong Rat (11pm–1am), Tiger (3am–5am), and Rabbit (5am–7am).

Week 3:

There are just two days in the third week of October 2024 that are suitable for getting a haircut: October 14 and October 19.

Monday, October 14, 2024.

Lucky hours: Goat (3 pm–1 pm), Horse (11 am–1 pm), Goat (7 pm–9 am), Dog (7 pm–9 pm), Pig (9 pm–11 pm), and Ox (1 am–3 am).

Tuesday, October 19, 2024

Lucky hours: Dragon (7am-9am, Snake (9am-11am), Monkey (1am-5pm), Rooster (5pm-7pm), Green Dragon Pig (9pm-11pm), Tiger (3am-5pm)

Week 4:

Only one day in the fourth week of October 2024 is deemed ideal: October 24, 2024

Lucky hours: Rooster (5pm–7pm), Goat (1pm–3pm), Horse (11am–1pm), Rabbit (5am–7am), and Rat (11pm–1am).

Week 5:

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Lucky hours: Dragon (7am-9am, Snake (9am-11am), Monkey (1am-5pm), Rooster (5pm-7pm), Green Dragon Pig (9pm-11pm), Tiger (3am-5am).

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Lucky days for baby's haircut in October 2024

Each day will bring luck, wealth or health to the baby

3/10/2024: Fun

4/10/2024: Wealth

7/10/2024: Good.

8/10/2024: Longevity

9/10/2024: Good days

10/10/2024: Have fortune

11/10/2024: Intelligence

16/10/2024: Good

19/10/2024 and 29/10/2024: Lucky

25/10/2024: Wealth

26/10/2024: Lucky

Taboo days for haircut in October 2024

Week 1:

Uou need to avoid cutting your hair on the 1st and 4th days of the solar calendar.

These are the two worst days of the week that can hinder and even make it difficult for you at work.

Week 2:

You absolutely need to avoid the 10th and 13th days of the solar calendar.

These two days belong to Vermilion Bird and White Tiger, and can cause many difficulties and problems at work.

Week 3:

The third week's 16th and 18th of the solar calendar should be avoided at all costs.

Haircut on those days might seriously harm their finances and careers.

Week 4:

October 22, 2024, is not a good day to cut your hair since it is associated with the black vermilion bird, which is deadly if it is hurt.

Week 5:

Experts discovered that the fifth week is the worst for haircut dates in October 2024.

Specifically, you should avoid the 30th day of the solar calendar since it is a violation of the black route, which can be hazardous because of potential harm from thieves.

In brief

Keep in mind that these are just excellent days based on popular perception. These days, cutting your hair can be quite fortunate and convenient, but it's not guaranteed. To obtain gorgeous and appropriate hair, you also need to select a respectable and highly skilled barbershop.

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