How Many Years In A Millennium?
A millennium is a period of 1,000 years. Photo KnowInsiders

As we are bombarded more frequently with devastating hurricanes, fires, earthquakes, shootings, and diseases, many of us can’t help but think, “Boy! We really are living in the last days. Look at all these prophesied signs of the times.” And we wonder: When is Christ coming? What will the Millennium be like?

Millennium's History

Millennium, a period of 1,000 years. The Gregorian calendar, put forth in 1582 and subsequently adopted by most countries, did not include a year 0 in the transition from BC (years before Christ) to AD (those since his birth). Thus, the 1st millennium is defined as spanning years 1–1000 and the 2nd the years 1001–2000. Although numerous popular celebrations marked the start of the year 2000, the 21st century and 3rd millenni Similarly, when did the millennium change? Most experts in calendrical matters will answer that the new millennium begins on the 1st of January in the year 2001, despite the fact that this answer is not the one that most people would like to hear (because, despite what the experts say, they intend to celebrate the new millennium on 1st January 2000).

What millennium are we in now?

The 21st (twenty-first) century is the current century of the Anno Domini era or Common Era, in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. It began on January 1, 2001, and will end on December 31, 2100.

In the current millennium, there will be 8 regular centuries (ending in 2100, 2200, 2300, - , 2500, 2600, 2700, - , 2900, and 3000) and 2 leap centuries (ending in 2400 and 2800), meaning that a total of 8 * 24 + 2 * 25 = 242 leap days will be added to the 1000 * 365 = 365,000 days. Therefore, presuming that the Gregorian calendar will last until the end of the millennium, there will be 365,000 + 242 = 365,242 days in the third millennium.

In the fourth millennium, there will be 7 regular centuries and 3 leap centuries, resulting in a total of 365,243 days. After this, each millennium alternates between 365,242 and 365,243 days (as long as the Gregorian calendar remains in use).

During the first millennium, every fourth year was a leap year (i.e. the Julian calendar was in use) so the millennium had 365,250 days.

The second millennium is a bit trickier to calculate since the Julian calendar was replaced by the Gregorian calendar starting in 1582. However, each country switched over to the new calendar at different times, and they each had different rules for the transition. Taking Italy as an example, there were 145 leap days until 1582, when (in October) 10 days were removed from the calendar. There remained 5 leap days in the 16th century, after which the normal 4 * 24 + 1 = 97 leap days were added during the subsequent 400-year period. This resulted in 145 - 10 + 5 + 97 = 237 leap days or a total of 365,237 days in the millennium (in Italy).

What was the year 2000 called?

The year 2000 is sometimes abbreviated as "Y2K" (the "Y" stands for "year", and the "K" stands for "kilo" which means "thousand"). The year 2000 was the subject of Y2K concerns, which were fears that computers would not shift from 1999 to 2000 AD began on January 1, 2001.

There are 3 different ways to calculate millennium

How Many Years In A Millennium?
Photo The Week

Method 1: 1 millennium is calculated from year x001 - y002 ie millennium I from year 1 to 1010, the second millennium from 1002 to 2002.

Method 2: 1 the millennium is calculated from the year x000 - x999 means that from 1000-1999 is the millennium millennium, from 2000-2999 is called millennium 2000.

Method 3: 1 millennium is counted from year x001 - y000, meaning 1st millennium from AD 1 - 1000 AD, 2nd millennium starting from 1001 - 2000, 3rd millennium starting from 2001 - 3000.

According to this calculation, 2020 belongs to the 3rd millennium or 2000 millennium.

**READ MORE: How Many Days Are In A Year

When is the beginning of the new millennium? Some say it is January 1, 2000 and others January 1, 2001? Who is correct?

Years in the most popular calendar used today, the Gregorian calendar, are counted from the year A.D.1. There was no year 0. Before A.D.1 came the year B.C.1. Thus, the first century ran for 100 years from A.D.1 until the end of A.D. 100; the first millennium, from A.D.1 until the end of A.D. 1000; and so the current millennium will not end until December 31, A.D. 2000.

A 6th century scholar, Dionysius Exiguus (Dennis the Short), established the Gregorian calendar in A.D. 532 by fixing A.D. (Anno Domini)1 as the time of Jesus Christ's birth. In Dionysius' time, the notion of counting from 0 had not yet been introduced to Europe from the Middle East. Jesus Christ was more likely born in B.C. 6, but Dionysius' system has held firm throughout the years. There are, however, some 40 other calendar systems in use, all of which are in different years that change on different dates.

Officially, the new millennium will begin at zero hour, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), also referred to as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), on January 1, 2001, according to rules adopted at an international conference held in October 1884. But that same conference also decided that this reckoning "shall not interfere with the use of local or other standard time where desirable." In other words, everyone east of Greenwich will not postpone their parties past midnight local time, and everyone west won't celebrate early.

The year 2000 is special--even though it isn't the start of the 21st century--because it is a leap year. Julius Caesar devised the leap year to correct for the fact that the earth circles the sun in 352.24219 days. Because this is not a whole number, the months of the year would slowly fall out of sync with the seasons. A fairly precise correction to the Gregorian calendar debuted in 1582, and stated that a century year will only be a leap year if it is evenly divisible by 400--which is true for Y2K.

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