Horoscope Weekly (January 25-31): Accurate Prediction for all Zodiac Signs in Love, Health, Career and Financial
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Weekly Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs. Photo: getthegloss.com |
Weekly Horoscope, with a majestic Leo Full Moon arriving on Thursday the 28th, you have an incredible week ahead of you. The worst is now over.
The inauguration took place and Mars has passed through the fire and brimstone of Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter. We’re finally treading brand new ground. And it’s time for some new ground rules too as the Sun connects with our solar system’s VIPs - Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, and Jupiter. With Mercury about to turn retrograde too, it’s time to go back to the drawing board and come up with a new plan. Neptune squares the Lunar Nodes and you’ll be pinching yourself to see if you’re dreaming.
Check out your weekly horoscope and for all the starry nitty-gritty!
1. Aries Weekly Horoscope: Take the night off!
During this week, you will get new work responsibilities along with challenges and success. Besides, you will have a good time with your partner this week. Your marital life will move smoothly and there will be a good understanding between the two of you.
You may have to spend money on the repair of your vehicles. Besides, you may incur expenses on the health and education of your children. You should avoid arguments as they may put you in difficult situations.
Besides, if you are a workaholic, it may have a detrimental impact on your health. Also, you should have a work plan and start with baby steps, gradually catch speed, and move on to accomplish the tasks which are on your agenda.
If you are a student, your hard work and determination will help you get the desired success in your examination. Consistency in studies can make you successful in competitive examinations. Be regular with your exercise and have a healthy diet. Your spouse may face health issues, which can give you hospital expenses and stress, cited GaneshaSpeaks.
*Also Read: Detailed horoscope predictions for Aries in Love, Money, Health and Career during this week (January 25-31), please click here!
2. Taurus Weekly Horoscope: Do you know how lucky you are?
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Photo: askastrology.com |
This week begins on Monday, January 25, with the sun in Aquarius, in your house of the future, making a sextile to Chiron in your own sign of Aries. Aspects to Chiron indicate a time of healing, and today, the energy centers around your own identity and confidence. You can't put the cart before the horse. It's pointless to postpone action until you feel confident. Confidence comes from taking action.
Your goal may be to make more money. But to achieve any goal, you need an emotional connection to that aspiration. As Neptune squares the two poles of the lunar nodes, you have a choice of going forward toward what you want or going backward to escape the pressure of change.
ALSO READ: TAURUS Horoscope Ferbruary 2021 - Best Prediction for Love, Financial, Career and Health
You may feel suddenly jealous of your sweetheart or feel left out—like you don't get enough time with the kids. The full moon lights up opportunities for you to make changes.
And on the end week, the sun in Aquarius forms a conjunction with over-the-top Jupiter. This can guide you toward your better nature where you not only help your friends, family, and colleagues, but also the world. Now your generosity and kindness focus outward, even to strangers. But with this aspect, you can also go overboard extravagantly—expending too much energy or resources on something that brings you very little. And this can be exacerbated as Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius on January 30, according to Sunsigns.
*For detailed horoscope predictions for Taurus in Love, Money and Career during next week (January 25-31), please click here!
3. Gemini Weekly Horoscope: Not everyone is worth your time!
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Photo: prokerala.com |
At the beginning of the week, the moon is not going to be in your favor. Love birds are suggested to not argue on pointless topics as it will lead you to the end of the relationship. In the mid of the week, you are going to feel happy and positive. By the end of the week, you are suggested to control your anger as it can create a problem for you.
English Jagran showed that everyone’s trying to get in touch with you this week as the full moon in Leo on the 28th lights up your communication sector. But be cautious about who you let into your world. There’s too much important work ahead to give your time to energy vampires and excessively needy friends. Though your ruling planet, Mercury, goes retrograde on the 30th forcing you to pause and focus on the big picture, the emails, texts, and phone calls aren’t going to stop. Though it’s super frustrating, the lesson is to proceed with caution and take things one step at a time.
*Read More: Detailed Horoscope Prediction for Gemini in Love, Money, Health and Career during next week (January 25-31).
4. Cancer Weekly Horoscope: Time is money.
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Photo: prokerala.com |
Tap into Mercury’s sensible side to plan out some big style or schedule choices early in the week, as by the weekend you’ll be acting more on impulse and ready to astound everyone.
Yes, a mischievous money moon will play a part! What feels like a routine family or friend discussion has a deep, exciting undercurrent of opportunity.
It’s full steam ahead for all you ambitious, thrusting Cancers. This is no moment to get all sensitive and upset or do your famous crab-like trick of walking sideways to avoid problems on the road ahead. You will richly deserve all the attention which is heading your way, reported Thesun.
*For detailed horoscope predictions for Cancer in Love, Money, Health and Career during next week (January 25-31), please Click Here!
5.Leo Weekly Horoscope: Be your own BFF.
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You may have had difficulties with almost every person in your life last week. Leo native, now the energy clears, and it's smooth sailing.
You just can't sit around while things are moving, now is the time, that you need to gear up. The placement of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus could lead to problems.
Luck will help you a lot. The other factor is your perseverance. Efforts at work will be recognized. This may trigger hectic activities. It is the right time to put into action all your plans for a change in strategy and working methods. You will need small reminders to boost your spirit and refocus on your goals. It is a good time to organize things and make the necessary changes to enhance your career prospects. You may consider reviving your old contacts and acquaintances. Sometimes your network can help you reach new plans and ideas. You will have a much better rapport with your loved ones during the latter part of this week.
Read More: Best Horoscope Predictionsfor Leo in Love, Money, Career and Health during next week (January 25-31).
6. Virgo Weekly Horoscope: Your body keeps the score.
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Though the full moon in Leo on the 28th has a lot of your friends in an “I’ll take any excuse to get glam for the Zoom meeting” mood, you’re ready to hibernate. So take a nap and take your space. This is a great week to go off on a solo staycation to regroup and get clear on your priorities, especially if you’re a freelancer or entrepreneur! Your ruling planet, Mercury, goes retrograde on the 30th in your daily grind sector, signaling a moment for you to pause and consider if there’s a smarter way to budget your time. You don’t have to burn out to move up.
So many secrets are building in your chart and you’ll know when it’s time to share and when to stay silent. This ability is what makes you an essential part of a work or family group. In love, stepping away from power games and towards mutual compromise is the strongest choice, according to PureWow.
*For detailed horoscope predictions for Virgo in love, money and career during next week (January 25-31), please click here!
7. LibraWeekly Horoscope: Look to the past to move forward.
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Photo: netdna-ssl.com |
The beginning of the week is going to be light for you and your past investments are going to gain some profit for you. There is also a high possibility of your getting a chance to boost your bank balance.
By the mid of the week, you might get stressed and anxious and you will feel a little low. By the end of the week, you are going to spend your money on unworthy stuff and that will make you broke by the end of the month. On the romance front, love birds are likely to get enough support from the family if they are planning a step ahead for their marriage.
Press ahead with all home improvements, particularly those involving the very fabric of your property – such as important repairs and decorating. Don’t let anyone undermine you, especially as everything is set to go so very well. If plans are proceeding smoothly then don’t interfere unless it’s absolutely necessary.
*For detailed horoscope predictions for Libra in love, money and career during next week (January 25-31), please click here!
8. Scorpio Weekly Horoscope: Go at your own pace.
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This week’s full moon in Leo on the 28th brings a cathartic conclusion to an ongoing saga in your professional life. Though this could mean a career breakthrough that keeps you booked and busy, Mercury stations retrograde on the 30th, slowing things down to remind you that there’s still quite a lot of work to do at home. Just because you’re moving at a slower pace, doesn’t mean you’re never going to be able to catch up to your dreams. Keep doing the work of staying grounded and checking in with yourself. You’re not meant to produce as much as a machine, cited PureWow.
You still need to keep a grip on the purse strings, although any financial partnership is likely to be profitable, especially if beautiful objects are on your shopping list. Your travel stars are now even stronger than last week, so get moving – or at least make plans.
*More horoscope predictions for Scorpio in love, money and career during next week (January 25-31), please click here!
9. Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: Long walks solve most problems.
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Photo: prokerala.com |
The beginning of the week is going to be a tough call for you as the negative moon is foreseen in your cards and you are also likely to feel a little bored and unhappy. However, the seniors are going to bless you with their guidance and that is going to help you out in coming out from an untidy situation.
The mid-week is going to be all nice and fine for you and you will ride through that smoothly. In the last few days of the week, your soul mate is going to make a move that is certainly going to make you happy and things will turn out good for you.
You can really surprise yourself! Love is rewarding when you show how much you value it. If you’re single, it’s time to make a “T” choice.
*For detailed horoscope predictions for Sagittarius in love, money and career during next week (January 25-31), please click here!
10. Capricorn Weekly Horoscope: Trust yourself.
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Photo: prokerala.com |
The children will be more vulnerable to road accidents. So, you should take good care of your children. Besides, you should be very careful while driving a vehicle. It's a good time to travel to a holy, religious place. Business trips that you undertake will be very fruitful. Those who are trying for a new job may not meet with much success this week. They should just bid their time and wait till opportunities come knocking.
People who are into share trading, gambling, and stocks will have a profitable week. They will gain in whatever they take up. And it's a glorious week for the students. They will perform well in their studies and activities, which may even surprise others. On the other hand, teachers may feel that their efforts are going in vain. Also, the students may not perform as per their expectations. There will be nothing to worry about on the health front, this week. But that doesn't mean that you should give up exercising.
*For detailed horoscope predictions for Capricorn in love, money and career during next week (January 25-31), please click here!
11. Aquarius Weekly Horoscope: Don’t let yourself down
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Photo: themagichoroscope.com |
The full moon on the 28th lights up your relationship sector, bringing a culmination to an ongoing drama in one of your partnerships. Maybe you’ve been clashing with your boyfriend about moving in together or maybe your bestie in your mom group reveals that she’s moving across the country to start a new job.
Whatever it is, this week’s shakeup is unavoidable. With Mercury retrograde in your sign from the 30th through February 20, it’s wise to take the space you need to show up for yourself. Reconnect with the routines that bring you joy and keep your skin glowing. Love begins with loving yourself.
If you feel you’re hiding your true self at work, the sun helps you shine in ways that enhance others, wrote TheSun.
*For detailed horoscope predictions for Aquarius in love, money and career during next week (January 25-31), please Click Here!
12. Pisces Weekly Horoscope: Health is wealth.
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Photo: prokerala.com |
All your problems will vanish this week and you will get plenty of reasons to be happy. There are going to be some problems but will be able to overcome them. Despite that people in business affairs would receive substantial gains. Students will also receive good results in the competitions you're preparing for.
How you relate to others is in the star spotlight this week, and you are ready to try some new tactics.
Set out your position first – not after everyone else – and leave out any note of doubt as to when you sound certain, it works.
Passion-wise, instead of talking to friends about love, speak to your partner. Single? A sports team in blue is the start.