Horoscope February 2021: Astrological Prediction for all 12 Zodiac Signs in Love, Career, Money and Health
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Horoscopes February 2021. Photo: 321horoscope.com |
February Planetary Overview
Cafe Astrology reported that on February 9th, Saturn forms a sextile to Chiron. It’s the first of three hits for this longer-term influence–the other two will occur in June and November. This transit follows roughly along the same timeline as the Saturn-Uranus square mentioned below, helping to soften some of the latter’s rough edges. It’s a time for feeling competent, effective, and secure. This transit helps us express our unique qualities or go our own way without stirring up controversy by acting professionally and respectfully. There’s no need for show-boating with this aspect. It helps to humble us, and with increased realism, we can pursue our goals with better chances of success.
On the 11th, the New Moon occurs in the sign of Aquarius, prompting us to make a clean break or a “fresh start.” We awaken our minds to a need for a vision, for socializing and brainstorming, for expressing feelings of friendship, and for developing more objectivity in our lives.
On February 17th, Saturn forms a square to Uranus, generating some friction. It’s the first of three such hits in 2021, with the other two set to occur in June and December. At the root of tension is a clash between our need for freedom and spontaneity and our need for structure and stability. Ideally, we can find creative ways to satisfy these diverging needs, perhaps by giving form to our ideals and quest for progress.
Mercury turns direct on the 20th, and once again, all the major planets are in direct motion. Before the 20th, Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius, encouraging a review of our dreams, ideals, aspirations, and social life.
Jupiter forms a trine to the true North Node on the 26th, which points to a willingness to grow, learn, improve, develop, and move past our fears. We are ready to embrace new methods and attitudes, leaving behind those no longer serving our growth. Jupiter encourages us to embrace our visions, and its trine to the North Node helps us balance our vision with our intuition. Our conscience is well-developed, and we want to help others. We’re more inclined than usual to believe in the power of the group.
The Full Moon on the 27th occurs in the sign of Virgo. It brings sudden awareness to our lives, particularly of areas that require more order. Something is exposed or illuminated, prompting us to get in touch with those things we may have neglected or put off, especially regarding our work, services, habits, health, and routines.
Astrological events in February 2021
Feb 1 | 9:05 AM | Venus enters Aquarius | Ven 0 Aqu 00' |
Feb 4 | 12:37 PM | Last Quarter Moon | 16 Sco 08' |
Feb 7 | 11:10 AM | True Node quintile Chiron | TNo 18 Gem 12' quintile Chi 6 Ari 12' |
Feb 9 | 6:00 AM | Saturn sextile Chiron | Sat 6 Aqu 16' sextile Chi 6 Ari 16' |
Feb 11 | 2:06 PM | New Moon in Aquarius | 23 Aquarius 17 |
Feb 17 | 2:07 PM | Saturn square Uranus | Sat 7 Aqu 14' square Ura 7 Tau 14' |
Feb 18 | 5:44 AM | Sun enters Pisces | Sun 0 Pis 00' |
Feb 19 | 1:47 PM | First Quarter Moon | 1 Gem 21' |
Feb 20 | 7:52 PM | Mercury Direct | Mer 11 Aqu 01'D |
Feb 21 | 12:21 AM | Ceres enters Aries | Cer 0 Ari 00' |
Feb 25 | 8:11 AM | Venus enters Pisces | Ven 0 Pis 00' |
Feb 26 | 5:57 PM | Jupiter trine True Node | Jup 16 Aqu 09' trine TNo 16 Gem 09' |
Feb 27 | 3:17 AM | Full Moon in Virgo | 8 Vir 57' |
Checking out detailed predictions for every zodiac signs below
ARIES (March 21 - April 19) Horoscope February 2021
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Photo: womenshealthmag.com |
The month of February has many pleasant surprises for Aries. In general, 2021 will be a period of success for Aries, even if they need to make considerable efforts for it. For everything to run smoothly, you need to work and don’t refuse to go on any trips occurring in the second month of the year.
Based on the Aries star sign 2021, planetary aspects are favorable in February 2021. Married life will be more friendly than passionate. Health and career prospects are fabulous. Finances are comfortable, while academic growth and travel activities are not encouraging.
You may come to some decision that will change your current life path. Ask for the help of others who have been there before. You’ll feel a tight kinship with groups of people you can identify with. Your work associates or other group affiliations will be important now.
Try to become the person you were meant to be. This requires a specific amount of individuality that you may have lost sight of recently by working in group mentality mode. Let others give advice but make sure you make up your own mind using the wisdom of the past to guide you. Not only will you resign yourself to making new goals and ideals now but new friends as well.
*For detailed predictions of the Aries Horoscope February 2021 in every field of money, love, health... , please click here!
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TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) Horoscope February 2021
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Photo: womenshealthmag.com |
Enjoy your friends, new relationships, and the love of your family. Venus can open a new door in your private life, a new friendship, the maximum point of which you will experience in six months. It could be about a partner in an earth element sign (Virgo or Capricorn) that will offer you balance.
Love and affection will be missing in love relationships. Singles are in search of temporary relationships. Health and financial prospects are wonderful. The academic development of students will be encouraging and travel activities are exceedingly beneficial.
Your profession and social standing in the community is under fire now as a stellium of planets visits your 10th house. A new job or position may require most of your time. A parent may become especially needy now.
Over indulgences in alcohol, food or drugs is going to affect you more now and it's best not to fall back on old bad habits. That includes smoking. Attend to mechanical problems before they hinder your transportation.
Buy a new vehicle only after having it thoroughly checked out and only with a warranty included. Travel may be delayed or restricted now.
Things look promising by Valentine's Day when the Moon visits your sign shining a special blessing your way. Enjoy all your favorite pleasures now at least for these 2 days. Seize the moment as an opportunity to discover life.
*For detailed predictions of the TAURUS Horoscope February 2021 in every field of money, love, health... , please click here!
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GEMINI (May 21 - June 20) Horoscope February 2021
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Photo: stylecaster.com |
During this month of February 2021, there’s a wonderful doorway of opportunity that opens up for you now. Be ready to make some changes.
Planetary aspects are beneficial for social activities and you will explore new areas of life. Love life will be very romantic, and singles will find partners in social circles. Prospects for profession and finances are a little difficult. Family relationships will be chaotic.
Venus smiles upon you if you are daring. At work, don’t miss any meetings because you may have the surprise of being sent on business trips.
The month of February is a perfect time to advance in your career or find another work domain that will attract you more and facilitate quick progress, according to the prediction of the February 2021 Horoscope.
Let the fresh air and wind improve your chances for good health. You’ll pick up some wonderful new ways of improving your situation that is quite unusual and may include humor.
You’re very talkative and informative now so others will want to hear what you have to say. You could be asked to speak at a seminar or special teaching event. Your creative images come across quite nicely.
Often portraying the wonderful beginnings you foresee. Others learn from you and are attentive to your new and inventive ideas. There is definitely a new beginning in store for you. Creative abilities enhanced, beautiful images come to mind, pulled from your overactive imagination that increases your chance of success.
*For detailed predictions of the GEMINI Horoscope February 2021 in every field of money, love, health... , please Click Here!
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CANCER (June 21st – July 22nd) Horoscope February 2021
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Photo: stylecaster.com |
Jupiter helps you now more than ever to fulfill your great desires related to your private life. In the first part of February, you will receive good news regarding success, or exceptional earnings, which will allow you to travel more. In the second part of the month, you will experience some special romantic moments. Leo
Married life can be made sweeter by going on pleasure holidays. Family relationships will be pleasant and health prospects are excellent. Career growth will be good and travel prospects are encouraging.
There are some mysteries yet to be solved and clues can become readily apparent now while the stellium of planets visits your eighth house. Dreams and premonition quite accurate.
On the 7th the starts are robbing you of some of your much-needed energy but certainly not your attitude. A competitive spirit develops that is stimulated by Saturn’s influence.
February 27th of 2021 brings the much needed spiritual uplifting you’ve been looking for. A well-educated companion can do much to arouse your dreary demeanor. Romantic encounters can be found in prayer or mediation groups as well as in creative projects.
The 8th asks you to look into the dark and begin to study a whole new realm of being.
*For detailed predictions of the CANCER Horoscope February 2021 in every field of money, love, health... , please click here!
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LEO (July 22nd – August 22nd) Horoscope February 2021
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Photo: planetguide.net |
Leo, February 1st through the 14th you’ll find charming companions go out of their way to include you in their plans. Telepathic exchanges can occur providing you a deeper glimpse into the heart and soul of others.
Good omens in your emotional or even romantic life, while Uranus will give you a helping hand in social activities. In the second part of the month, you receive good news health-wise, but until then, be prudent with your expenses. Someone will request your help in a project, and you will gladly get involved.
Love life will be both romantic and sensual with scope for pregnancy. Family relationships present a pretty picture and health prospects are encouraging. Career development will be quite good and financials can be problematic. Travel and educational fields will face rough weather.
The 8th promises new relationships or partnerships that will prove beneficial often providing you with the opportunity of a lifetime.
Use the 21st-22nd as your personal power days to seek anything you want. Your wish will be delivered and you can make a lasting impression on others. You’ll see the culmination of your efforts on the 23rd when projects pay off.
*For detailed predictions of the LEO Horoscope February 2021 in every field of money, love, health, please click here!
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VIRGO (August 22nd – September 22nd) Horoscope February 2021
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Photo: stylecaster.com |
This February it's all about health and fitness. A new insight into your own physical and emotional well being is about to develop.
The Sun is less vibrant in your case, so you can also expect more tense situations in all regards, which will, however, be like a wake-up call to reality. Financial success comes due to your creativity and openness to new things. Try to be less of a perfectionist.
Love relationships will be both romantic and sensual. Health will not be posing any problems during the month. Educational prospects are wonderful. Professional growth will be retarded. Finances and travel activities will not be propitious.
On the 23rd the starts brighten the picture a bit. A renewed strength can be found. It serves you well to find the answers through food or fluids you ingest. Evaluate how they affect your physical emotional health. Design a plan to help overcome any obsessions you may have developed over the last few years.
Try not to be too nitpicky and avoid being overly critical of yourself or your partner. You present a picture of one who has it all together despite what others may think is really possible for your near future.
*For detailed predictions of the VIRGO Horoscope February 2021 in every field of money, love, health, please click here!
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LIBRA (September 22nd – October 23rd) Horoscope February 2021
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Photo: deccanherald.com |
The next period is encouraging but overfilled with all kinds of projects. You will research, analyze, guide others at work, and enjoy an increasingly privileged position. You will need to travel on short distances, which could turn out to be a beautiful business trip, with a lot of work, but also with rewards.
The month is dominated by very good marital bliss. Health will not pose any problems. Students will excel in their studies. Financials and professional growth will face tough conditions. Travel engagements will not have any beneficial effects.
On the 23rd could have you going for self-analysis. This can be done through astrology or a holistic healer. Analyze how patterns at work can affect your well being and emotional health. If this is not satisfactory then it's time to spread your wings a little and look elsewhere for broader horizons. Will you use your present success to advance or let it ride for the next 14 years before you consider making a change?
*For detailed predictions of the LIBRA Horoscope February 2021 in every field of money, love, health, please click here!
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SCORPIO (October 23rd – November 22nd) Horoscope February 2021
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Photo: thesun.co.uk |
Moon visits you sign on the first 3 days of February bringing a renewed strength and feeling of well-being.
The romantic relationships are under the influence of Uranus, Venus, and Neptune, which means that things will get exciting. After February 19, you may receive some money-related news. In terms of career, you can expect some challenges, and health-wise, you need more rest.
Love relationships will face problems during the initial parts of the month. Career development and financial prospects will face difficulties. Family relationships will be problematic and health will be tentative. Considerable gains from travel activities are likely.
The 14th proves to be a very important day that you’ll cherish forever. Make special plans to be with that special someone then.
Make sure you’re doing something wonderful on the 23rd. Friends flock to your side and bring some light to your current situation.
Try not to be too critical of those who have not lived up to your expectations.
*For detailed predictions of the SCORPIO Horoscope February 2021 in every field of money, love, health, please click here!
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SAGITTARIUS (November 22nd – December 21st) Horoscope January 2021
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Photo: indiatvnews.com |
Control your anger for now and don’t overreact. Light a pale blue candle for Candlemas and dedicate it to peace.
Love relationships will be fabulous this month. Career prospects will suffer due to problems in the workplace. Family affairs and health will not pose any difficulties. Travel activities do not promise any benefits while the academic growth of students will be admirable.
Don’t venture into signing new contracts or starting new professional partnerships, but instead focus your time and attention on your lover.
The 4th ‘5th would be a good time to ask for a raise or advance. Others are intrigued and fascinated with you now, finding little fault with your wild suggestions.
On the 8th you may decide to write a book or story. Your communication skills will bring new challenges and offer new beginnings, An opportunity to travel for education exists now. Make it a point to visit siblings in their home. They will play an important part in the sudden events that occur. A change in residence is in the offing and it may come as quite a surprise. Friends help you conquer all obstacles.
February 23rd shines some light on your career and social status in the community. A welcome change of events brightens your days. Despite working hard for your money you could actually get recognition in some form. A cash settlement or raise may surprise you.
*For detailed predictions of the SAGITTARIUS Horoscope February 2021 in every field of money, love, health, please click here!
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CAPRICORN (December 21st – January 19th) Horoscope February 2021
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Photo: thepacepress.org |
With your money house highlighted you’ll be happier than a clam. Always your favorite subject this can hold especially true.
Financial prosperity is supported by your family members. In love, you will encounter some issues, but there are some scores to settle, and now is a perfect time. During this period, career is more for pleasure, and you can expect more money only starting in June.
Single persons are looking for fun in relationships. Relationship with children will be marvelous. Health will be splendid and career growth will be fabulous. Students will excel in their studies. Financials and travel plans are not gainful.
The 6th and 7th are days you’ll not soon forget. These can be seen as your power play days. Use them to enhance your possibilities and encourage good reactions from others.
February 8th is sure to present you with many opportunities to enhance your money options. With 5 luminaries in your money house, you’re bound to have more than one opportunity.
*For detailed predictions of the CAPRICORN Horoscope February 2021 in every field of money, love, health, please click here!
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AQUARIUS (January 19th – February 18th) Horoscope February 2021
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Photo: stylecaster.com |
You’ll find yourself quite charming and charismatic now. Your visions and ideas can be seen as an inspiration for many as 5 luminaries visit your sign on February 8th. It’s not every day you get a windfall or an opportunity to make big bucks.
On the 23rd brings you to review some of your tax and investment returns. You may find yourself discovering facts that were not available before. Your intuition can be a fine source in guiding you to find the right answers as well as investment opportunities.
Marital life will be harmonious and enjoyable. Family life will face unexpected challenges. Health and career will be in turmoil and full of problems. Business travel will give good returns, but students will face a lot of difficulties in their studies.
Be more discrete at the parties you get invited to, so you don’t trigger unnecessary discussions. Have fun, enjoy the company of people, but avoid gossip because the planets have a negative influence on communication when it comes to your zodiac sign. You could lose a friend you care about!
*For detailed predictions of the AQUARIUS Horoscope February 2021 in every field of money, love, health, please click here!
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PISCES (February 18th – March 20th) Horoscope February 2021
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Photo: stylecaster.com |
Renewed stability comforts you. Activity in your inner life and dreams becomes increasingly prophetic. You’ll treasure your time off so that you can create a project that develops while you’re asleep or out walking and communing with nature.
Jupiter retreats in the house of prosperity, but not before helping you to make a happy change in your home. You redecorate and spend more money than you have wanted to. Consistent earnings can be expected in February, so don’t worry! In the second part of February, your financial life is going to get better.
Singles will find love partners through good communication. Family relationships will be volatile. Professional growth will be excellent and financial flow will be copious. While travel engagements will be beneficial, educational prospects are not encouraging.
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On the 18th brings a renewed sense of purpose and strength of character to support you in your endeavors. Partners need to take priority now so you’ll need to find time to address them. It will be much easier to provide them with your undivided attention now that you completed your mission. Keep your mind open to new career choices as you break tradition and make a change from the past.
The opportunity to invest with friends in a business can have advantageous results. A chance to profit from other investments can lighten your load. This month brings light to some of your partner’s accomplishments and endearing qualities.
PISCES, You’ll want to remind them just how important they are to you. Sacrifice your time to indulge them in some of their real-life fantasies for a while. You win them over for life and remain good friends even if not always together. The horoscope advises enjoying this wonderful month of February 2021.
*For detailed predictions of the PISCES Horoscope February 2021 in every field of money, love, health, please click here!
![]() Luckiest Zodiac Signs in February 2021: February is approaching. Are you curious about which zodiac signs will be the luckiest in this month? Keep reading ... |