Funeral Costs in the US: Top 10 Most Expensive Places To Die
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Most Expensive Places To Die in the US |
How much does a funeral cost in the US of 2023
Even though you can't take it with you, the majority of us intend to leave a small amount of money for our loved ones. However, without careful planning, you might find yourself with less than you bargained for given that, according to the most recent research, a traditional funeral costs $7,082 on average nationwide. When a vault is added, the average funeral expense soars past $9,000 per service. On the other hand, cremations typically cost just $350 because most funeral homes can handle this on-site.
Even if you decide to forgo the formalities in favor of a straightforward cremation, the cost will be a hefty $4,828. That's not exactly pocket change.
With a median price of $7,360, funerals typically cost between $7,000 and $9,000 on average.
The hearse, funeral home service fee, casket, gravestone, burial plot, viewing, and staff fees for any services are expenses to consider when planning a funeral. There are separate feeds related to those services if the deceased wanted to be cremated. Funeral expenses can be budgeted for by creating a fund or purchasing insurance.
According to the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA), these are some of the typical funeral expenses you might face.
-Funeral service fee: $2,100
-Funeral home rental: $500
-Funeral home staff: $500
-Vault: $1,395
-Cremation casket: $1,000
-Embalming: $725
-Urn: $275
-Cosmetic services: $250
-Hearse: $325
-Transportation: $325
-Transportation for the family: $150
-Pamphlets and materials: $160
Average funeral costs by state
No matter where you live, cremation is cheaper than a burial, although some areas are certainly cheaper than others. If you live in states like Colorado or Oklahoma, you will pay significantly less than those who live in Kansas or North Dakota.
Every year, the NFDA publishes its General Price List Survey. These are the results of their latest report:
State | Funeral Cost | End of Life Cost | Total Cost |
Alabama | $6,933 | $12,264 | $19,197 |
Alaska | $10,084 | $17,840 | $27,924 |
Arizona | $7,530 | $13,321 | $20,851 |
Arkansas | $6,746 | $11,934 | $18,680 |
California | $11,777 | $20,834 | $32,611 |
Colorado | $8,198 | $14,503 | $22,701 |
Connecticut | $9,914 | $17,538 | $27,452 |
Delaware | $8,392 | $14,846 | $23,238 |
Florida | $7,600 | $13,445 | $21,045 |
Georgia | $6,925 | $12,250 | $19,175 |
Hawaii | $14,975 | $26,492 | $41,467 |
Idaho | $7,165 | $12,676 | $19,841 |
Illinois | $7,336 | $12,978 | $20,314 |
Indiana | $6,987 | $12,360 | $19,347 |
Iowa | $6,995 | $12,374 | $19,369 |
Kansas | $6,909 | $12,223 | $19,132 |
Kentucky | $7,057 | $12,484 | $19,541 |
Louisiana | $7,290 | $12,896 | $20,186 |
Maine | $9,122 | $16,137 | $25,259 |
Maryland | $10,069 | $17,812 | $27,881 |
Massachusetts | $10,216 | $18,073 | $28,289 |
Michigan | $6,902 | $12,209 | $19,111 |
Minnesota | $7,887 | $13,953 | $21,840 |
Mississippi | $6,684 | $11,825 | $18,509 |
Missouri | $6,762 | $11,962 | $18,724 |
Montana | $8,229 | $14,681 | $22,910 |
Nebraska | $7,049 | $12,470 | $19,519 |
Nevada | $8,423 | $14,901 | $23,324 |
New Hampshire | $8,516 | $15,066 | $23,582 |
New Jersey | $9,712 | $17,181 | $26,893 |
New Mexico | $6,793 | $12,017 | $18,810 |
New York | $10,799 | $19,103 | $29,902 |
North Carolina | $7,367 | $13,003 | $20,370 |
North Dakota | $7,670 | $13,569 | $21,239 |
Ohio | $7,049 | $12,470 | $19,519 |
Oklahoma | $6,754 | $11,948 | $18,702 |
Oregon | $10,418 | $18,430 | $28,848 |
Pennsylvania | $7,895 | $13,967 | $21,862 |
Rhode Island | $9,269 | $16,398 | $25,667 |
South Carolina | $7,445 | $13,170 | $20,615 |
South Dakota | $7,748 | $13,706 | $21,454 |
Tennessee | $6,886 | $12,182 | $19,068 |
Texas | $7,103 | $12,566 | $19,669 |
Utah | $7,639 | $13,514 | $21,153 |
Vermont | $8,889 | $15,725 | $24,614 |
Virginia | $7,818 | $13,830 | $21,648 |
Washington | $8,594 | $15,203 | $23,797 |
West Virginia | $7,072 | $12,511 | $19,583 |
Wisconsin | $7,554 | $13,363 | $20,917 |
Wyoming | $6,933 | $12,264 | $19,197 |
2019 NFDA Average Funeral Costs
State | Burial | Cremation |
Alabama | $7,353 | $4,298 |
Alaska | $7,290 | $4,808 |
Arizona | $6,907 | $4,517 |
Arkansas | $6,933 | $4,688 |
California | $7,290 | $4,808 |
Colorado | $6,907 | $4,517 |
Connecticut | $7,612 | $5,447 |
Delaware | $7,461 | $5,021 |
Florida | $7,461 | $5,021 |
Georgia | $7,461 | $5,021 |
Hawaii | $7,290 | $4,808 |
Idaho | $6,907 | $4,517 |
Illinois | $7,855 | $5,305 |
Indiana | $7,855 | $5,305 |
Iowa | $8,123 | $5,673 |
Kansas | $8,123 | $5,673 |
Kentucky | $7,353 | $4,298 |
Louisiana | $6,933 | $4,688 |
Maine | $7,612 | $5,447 |
Maryland | $7,461 | $5,021 |
Massachusetts | $7,612 | $5,447 |
Michigan | $7,855 | $5,305 |
Minnesota | $8,123 | $5,673 |
Mississippi | $7,353 | $4,298 |
Missouri | $8,123 | $5,673 |
Montana | $6,907 | $4,517 |
Nebraska | $8,123 | $5,673 |
Nevada | $6,907 | $4,517 |
New Hampshire | $7,612 | $5,447 |
New Jersey | $7,849 | $5,364 |
New Mexico | $6,907 | $4,517 |
New York | $7,849 | $5,364 |
North Carolina | $7,461 | $5,021 |
North Dakota | $8,123 | $5,673 |
Ohio | $7,855 | $5,305 |
Oklahoma | $6,933 | $4,688 |
Oregon | $7,290 | $4,808 |
Pennsylvania | $7,849 | $5,364 |
Rhode Island | $7,612 | $5,447 |
South Carolina | $7,461 | $5,021 |
South Dakota | $8,123 | $5,673 |
Tennessee | $7,353 | $4,298 |
Texas | $6,933 | $4,688 |
Utah | $6,907 | $4,517 |
Vermont | $7,612 | $5,447 |
Virginia | $7,461 | $5,021 |
Washington | $7,290 | $4,808 |
West Virginia | $7,461 | $5,021 |
Wisconsin | $7,855 | $5,305 |
Wyoming | $6,907 | $4,517 |
Cost of a visitation or wakeWake or visitation expenses can make up a sizeable portion of overall final costs. Every step necessary for a funeral, including the service fee, transportation, and embalming, is also required for a wake. The NFDA estimates that in 2021, the median cost of facilities and staff for visits will be $450. Similar to that, a funeral's facilities and staff median cost is $515. The majority of families decide on a wake and funeral service. The average cost of these services is $7,843, which is the same sum mentioned above for funeral and burial costs. This sum accounts for all funeral and visitation-related services and goods. However, it does not include expenses related to burials, such as a vault or headstone. |
Total Cost of a Burial (Not Including the Funeral Service) In The US
A lot of people are surprised by simply how much goes into the burial itself. Compared to the cremation process, burial is a complicated affair. It involves any number of things including (but not limited to) the following:
-Application of makeup, clothing, or other body preservation
-Burial plot
-Grave liner or vault
-Cemetery maintenance fee
It's true that some of these expenses can be avoided or reduced, but the cost of a burial cannot be denied. Fortunately, a lot of these expenses are covered by your funeral home or cemetery. Depending on your state or city, you might require fewer or more items for your funeral. In the end, you should budget between $5,000 and $10,000 for the funeral.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) mandates complete pricing transparency for funeral homes and cemeteries, which is crucial to understand. The upfront costs and fee breakdowns must be provided to anyone who requests them, making it simple to understand exactly what you're paying for.
Breaking Down the Full Cost of a Burial
Let's now examine the total price of a funeral in the United States. Although these vary depending on your particular location, it's crucial to be aware of the average costs so you can make sure you're getting a reasonable deal. The funeral service is unrelated to the items listed below; they only concern the burial.
Embalming is the process of using various chemicals to preserve the body after death. Although they don't actually stop the process of decomposition, these can give the body a more "lifelike" appearance. Embalming is particularly popular during ceremonies with open caskets.
It costs between $500 and $700 to embalm a body at a funeral home. It usually comes with a funeral package and shouldn't set you back more than $1,000. Extras like applying makeup or other forms of body preservation may fall under this category.
It's crucial to remember that embalming is typically not medically necessary. Other than the family's own preferences and religious beliefs, there is no reason to embalm if the service is held shortly after death.
The act of sealing the coffin and placing it safely in the ground or a mausoleum is known as interment. Depending on the type of casket and the regulations of the particular cemetery, this could cost around $1,000.
urn, casket, or other type of burial container
The most expensive aspect of a burial is frequently the casket or burial container. The good news is that there is a lot of price flexibility depending on the following factors:
Decorations or style elements
Interior material
Sealed vs. unsealed
Depending on the aforementioned factors, the casket may cost anywhere from $1,000 to more than $2,500. More natural materials, like cardboard, hemp, or even just a fabric shroud, have recently come under pressure. These are less expensive.
Headstone and burial plot
You might be surprised to learn that the price of a burial plot can reach upwards of $2,000. Funeral homes and cemeteries are two different things, and each has its own rates and expenses. The price of a burial plot can range from $1,000 to $4,000. In more populated areas, such as cities, where space is more expensive, prices rise.
A grave vault or grave liner is also necessary in some cities, states, and cemeteries. This adds an additional layer of defense against the elements and the coffin, but it also requires more work and resources from the cemetery. It is close to $1,000.
Similarly, you'll need to be aware of the cost of a headstone. This may be one of the most expensive purchases in addition to the casket. A headstone is a type of legacy, so people frequently choose something pricey and durable. A traditional headstone or gravemarker will set you back about $1000, plus installation costs that could reach $500.
Additionally, the cemetery typically levies a maintenance fee. This covers the price of maintaining the cemetery, such as mowing the lawn and cleaning the graves. This may be a one-time upfront fee charged by some cemeteries, a yearly or monthly fee, or both. Normally, it costs around $200.
Transporting the body to the cemetery is also necessary. Typically, the funeral home is in charge of making these arrangements. If the service includes the casket, they may even be a part of the funeral.
The typical mode of transportation is a hearse, but the family may also be driven to the cemetery in a limo or other vehicle that has been rented. The cost of moving the body is about $500.
How Much Does a Funeral Cost?The average cost of a funeral in the United States varies greatly by state and type of service. The median cost of a funeral with burial and viewing is $8,805, according to the 2021 National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA). The average cost of a funeral with cremation and viewing is $6,515. These figures do not include items such as marker costs, flowers, a cremation casket, or cemetery costs for families who choose to inter their loved ones' cremated remains. Funeral costs have been steadily rising since the 1980s, and those who do not plan ahead of time may end up paying more than they intended. Knowing the average cost of funeral expenses and planning ahead of time will allow you to determine the non-negotiables, what you would like to have, and what you may not want or need. |
How Much Does a Funeral Cost with Burial? According to 2021 data collected by Final Expense Direct, the average cost of direct burial in America is $6,980. Free Final Expense Quote -A funeral with viewing averages $7,410 and with service is $7,910. If you choose a full funeral with burial, service, and viewing, the average cost is $10,805. -These figures do not include 2021 Funeral Costs of embalming, which averages $683, or a casket, which is $1,244. If you choose a hearse to take you to the cemetery, the average cost is $318. -There also may be extra costs to transport the body, grave markers, cemetery or mausoleum costs, plus plot fees. |
Quick Tips for Saving Money on a Burial
Despite the fact that the fees and costs listed above may seem intimidating, you are not required to pay them. As was previously mentioned, there are numerous ways to reduce costs, and prices differ depending on where you live.
Here are some of our go-to quick suggestions for reducing the cost of a funeral. Everyone should be given a dignified funeral, but it need not be expensive.
Purchase funeral insurance
Even though it doesn't really help much after someone passes away, it's a crucial step in getting ready for the future. Funeral insurance assists in defraying these costs so that the burden is not placed on the family because it is simple to underestimate how much a funeral and burial cost.
Funeral insurance, also referred to as burial insurance or final expense insurance, enables you to buy a plan that assists with paying for your funeral and burial expenses. You can select a plan based on your finances and final disposition.
Skip embalming
Eliminating the need for embalming completely is another way to reduce the cost of a funeral. This has no protective or medical value and can cost up to $750 or more depending on any extras. Even though it slows down the decomposition process, it is also extremely intrusive and pointless.
It might be a good idea to forego embalming entirely if the funeral will not be held in an open casket. Although this is a personal choice, think about declining to participate to save this money.
Shop around for the best price
The FTC mandates that cemeteries and funeral homes disclose all fees and costs up front. This enables you to compare prices to make sure you aren't paying too much for your area.
You might be able to find a better deal on a burial outside of the city if you reside in a large urban area. In order to reduce costs, you can also purchase items like caskets and headstones online.
Consider a green burial
Not to mention, there are more options than ever for personalizing your burial. Many people are choosing to forgo "traditional" burials in common cemeteries in favor of green burials, which are more environmentally friendly.
It is what it sounds like—a green burial. Without the usual embalming, heavy-duty casket, or extras, it's a simple burial. This method of burial is much more affordable without sacrificing significance because it goes back to the basics.
How do you bury someone with no money?For most families, direct cremation is the least expensive option. If your family is eligible for Medicaid, your state might provide money to help with funeral costs. The VA, Social Security, FEMA, and other state and local programs may also be able to help you. For more information, see our list of resources for funeral assistance. |
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Top 10 states with the highest average funeral cost
Hawaii ($14,975)
California ($11,777)
New York ($10,799)
Oregon ($10,418)
Massachusetts ($10,216)
Alaska ($10,084)
Maryland ($10,069)
Connecticut ($9,914)
New Jersey ($9,712)
Rhode Island ($9,269)
Top 10 Most Expensive States To Die In The US (For Traditional Funerals)
1.Minnesota: $3,947.17
2.Iowa: $3,594.49
3.Massachusetts: $3,547.57
4.Connecticut: $3,535.93
5.Rhode Island: $3,535.21
6.Wisconsin: $3,356.37
7.Vermont: $3,320.33
8.Maryland: $3,254.80
9.Nevada: $3,232.15
10.Texas: $3,204.49
Top 10 Most Expensive States To Die In The US (For Cremation Services)
1.Minnesota: $3,827.12
2.Iowa: $3,420.65
3.Rhode Island: $3,364.58
4.Connecticut: $3,330.20
5.Massachusetts: $3,309.26
6.Wisconsin: $3,157.14
7.Washington, D.C.: $3,130.42
8.Maryland: $3,125.08
9.Delaware: $3,121.29
10.Vermont: $3,099.51
Most expensive cemeteries in the US
Mount Auburn Cemetery, Massachusetts
Premium plot price: $500,000
Founded in 1831 as America’s first “rural cemetery,” this former park is liberally littered with the graves of Boston’s original social elite—Mayflower descendants and Harvard eggheads abound.
Read More: Top 15 Most Beautiful And Haunting Cemeteries In The US
Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Los Angeles
Premium plot price: $825,000
Strangely enough, this star-studded cemetery was founded in 1906 as a not-for-profit graveyard. Speaking of strange, Michael Jackson is buried there.
Woodlawn Cemetery, The Bronx
Premium plot price: $1.5 million
Considered one of the most beautiful cemeteries in the world, this National Historic Landmark’s permanent guests include the likes of baseball legend Babe Ruth. Even though the Curse of the Bambino was lifted in 2004, Red Sox fans still leave graveside offerings of pizzas and cheese Danishes.
Westwood Village Park Memorial, Los Angeles
Premium plot price: $4.6 million
Or at least that what’s a crypt directly above Marilyn Monroe’s cost on eBay in 2009 at this small but historic cemetery. Turns out the original owner bought it off Joe DiMaggio when the ballplayer was in the midst of his divorce from Monroe in 1954. Word has it he then told Joe: “You’re outta here!”
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