Easy WAYS to Teach Children to learn Colours
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Photo: First Cry Parenting |
Teaching colours during everyday activities and routine is the best way to reinforce the concept of colours that is taught to them in their preschools.
Children have a natural affinity toward brightly coloured objects; hence most of their toys are strikingly colourful. When you show them, say, a ball, using the word “colour” along with the name of the object is a good way to begin. Instead of saying ‘this is red’, the better approach would be to say ‘this is a ball, and its colour is red’.
The same can be done with different coloured balls. Check out some tips below!
Colour Matching Games
Colour matching games are a good way of teaching primary colours to preschoolers. You can make coloured cards out of any cardboard and place them on the floor or table. The game is to pick up matching colours. The same can be done with coloured blocks or balls with each day dedicated to a different colour.
Songs and rhymes
According to studies, there’s a strong influence of music in a child’s development. Get a few DVDs of audio-visual animated songs and rhymes teaching shades and watch them with your child.
Cheer up your toddler by getting involved with him/her. Children tend to remember rhymes easily as it provides a practical example at a certain extent.
Finger Painting
Finger painting is an immensely fun and great activity to teach colours to 3-year-olds. Children of that age are old enough to paint with colours, and you can start with one colour every day. The activity would be to let them have fun colouring while they tell you what colour it is.
Children Learning with Colours Flashcards
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Photo: Pinterest |
Since learning colours is such an important part of every child’s early education, schools and parents often turn to the more educational minded colour flashcards. Colour flashcards run a range from just focusing on colour to inducing the words along with colour as pre reading skills. Often colour flashcards use shapes and teach basic counting skills along with colour recognition. There are many different kinds of flashcards geared towards teaching children about colour. They can be purchased directly, downloaded and printed form online sources, or crafty parents can even make their own with colour card stock.
Ribbon Dancing
Coloured streamers are available at party stores and are excellent for a ribbon dancing activity. Let the kids have fun dancing with their coloured streamer.
These activities will help you teach your child about different colours in a fun way. First, familiarise him with bright colours, as kids have a natural affinity towards anything bright and shiny, then teach your child about other colours. Try to use everyday objects to reinforce the concept of colours in your child, as it will help him learn about different colours, as well as various shapes and sizes. Apart from teaching him about colours, focus on improving his other skills, too. Get your hands-on educational kits to promote overall intelligence of your child. The activities in these kits will help him work and hone his other talents, and every day he will learn something new.
Colouring Books
Colouring in books is the simplest way to get them to learn colours. Ask them what colour crayon they are using for each page.
Colour Days
Wear the same colour shirts on different days of the week. Monday could be yellow, Tuesday could be red, Wednesday can be green and so on. On those days, play with toys of the colour of the day, according to Parenting.
DIY colour books
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Photo: Pinterest |
How interesting would it be to give a modern touch to traditional learning! Ask your toddler to collect the objects of the same colour and then ask him/ her to draw them in a colour picture book.
You can even take the photo prints of the objects with the same colour and ask your toddler to paste them in the do-it-yourself (DIY) book. Your kid will definitely love to see this self-made book again and again.
Modelling Clay
Activities involving modelling clay is a great tool to teach colours in kindergarten. Modelling clay is highly engaging while being endlessly fun. Children can learn how to recognise colours and build different things out of the same colour, or they can mix colours to see what they get.
Why Teaching Colours to Toddlers Seems Complicated?Your young one’s ability to recognise different colours begins to develop around when he is about 18 months old . At the same time, kids start to notice differences in shapes, texture, and size and pick up the similarities. Knowing primary colours takes longer, and most children by the age of 36 months can name at least one. Before you can begin to teach colours to toddlers, it is crucial that you understand the learning process of toddlers and kids. Especially with abstract concepts such as colours, kids need to have accumulated a lot of information before they can understand what colours are. Before the concept of colour is understood, the learning might be as simple as blue is blue. Kids cannot understand that different shades of blue are all still blue such as light blue and navy blue. Neither do they have the verbal skills to explain the difference. |
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