Daily Horoscope (Today & Tomorrow): Predictions for Love, Health & Financial with 12 Zodiac Signs
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Photo: Vogue |
1. Aries - Horoscope Today
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Photo: ELLE |
Love: With the position of the planets, you may find you have trouble deciding whether to listen to your heart or your head. In terms of a certain close relationship, this could prove to be quite a dilemma right now, as your thoughts are in direct contrast to your feelings. As your feelings may also be distinctly cloudy, it may be best to hang on before making any rash decisions, Aries.
Health: With the current astral energy at play, you will certainly witness frequent occasions where your judgment will be tested. This is a time of determination for you, and in no area of your life is it more important to make good decisions than when it comes to your health. There is no telling what the future holds, but you can prepare yourself by taking steps to enhance your wellness: we make daily decisions about our diet, rest, and exercise. Use your powers wisely!
Finance: You've had enough action. What you need today is to be nothing but a couch potato. Plates perched on your lap is just what the doctor ordered to restore your energy for better things tomorrow.
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2. Taurus - Horoscope Today
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Photo: Allure |
Love: You may feel more detached than usual, due to the position of the planets. Certainly in terms of one relationship, you know that deep down you are feeling extremely passionate and even slightly obsessed, but you have no intention of giving the game away as a far as letting them know about this, Taurus. Your potential love may wonder what is going on. It may help if you explain a little!
Health: You will tend to be more open with your feelings with today's planetary alignment. This is a positive time for you, when you collect new information from above and re-position yourself in the world. Take the opportunity to check in with yourself and establish your health goals for the coming year. With today's transit, you are able to extend your social sphere of healthy relationships. Definitely consider relationships as part of your overall health and wellness!
Finance: Don't rush out to the store just yet. You have everything you need, and then some, right in your own kitchen. Cutting back on your spending has never been easier, or more delicious. Enjoy.
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3. Gemini - Daily Horoscope
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Photo: Allure |
Love: Today's position of the planets may give you just the excuse you need to avoid having to explain why your behavior toward a certain person may have changed recently. You can give them all kinds of lengthy and obscure reasons without acknowledging certain feelings that you'd rather you didn't have. However, you will only be able to get away with this for just so long.
Health: Do you know where you stand? "Taking stock" is aided by the planetary alignment, which facilitates the asking of necessary critical questions. Are you where you want to be in terms of your overall strength and fitness levels? Are you as fluent in dietary matters as you need to be to take good care of yourself? A book on holistic health might be a good idea, or you could check the new magazines on the rack at your health food store. Or look up some interesting sites on the internet. The information is there and easily accessible, Gemini.
Finance: The appreciation fest isn't over yet. Don't forget to thank the one who fed you, meaning right here on this earth. Be the first one in the group to make it official. It will be good for your soul and theirs, plus your karma.
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4. Cancer - Daily Horoscope
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Photo: India TV News |
Love: You know only too well just how a certain person really feels about you, and are mystified as to why they cannot be more honest. The position of the planets may not initially help matters, as they will tend to talk about everything under the sun apart from what is really of interest to you. If you can just be patient, you may discover a change in them shortly.
Health: You sometimes like to do things alone, but it's important to be aware not to overdo this. Isolation can be risky. It's important to involve friends and family in your life whenever possible so that you get the necessary perspective on how you're living. When you look great, don't you want someone to tell you? When you need a haircut, isn't it kind of cool to be reminded by someone who cares? Be careful not to cut yourself off from important sources of love and support - it's an unconscious act for some of you.
Finance: You appreciate the slow pace. Its effects are better than a spa and come at a fraction of the cost. Don't let anyone or anything get you riled up. It's your day to be completely non-reactive.
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5. Leo - Horoscope today
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Photo: ListLand |
Love: The position of the planets means that you may find yourself trying to block the possibility of certain progress within a close personal relationship. Your partner (current or prospective) may have plans or ideas that seem to you too different and possibly a bit extreme. However, you may be doing yourself a disfavor by being so stubborn. For once, dare to let out the child in your soul.
Health: You are always happy to drop the old and start anew, but sometimes it's worth it just to stick to the routine. Do you have a health routine? This is an important discipline for you to adhere to, because of your natural tendency to dream about the future and forget about the present. In the present, you must pay attention to the adequate administering of healthy food and plenty of water. Unless you still live with your mom, your health is up to you!
Finance: Nothing can compare to the good time you had yesterday, but the lingering pleasant vibes make it easy to enjoy just about anything. That makes it effortless to stick to your budget. Enjoy doing both.
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6. Virgo - Horoscope Today
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Photo: Labyrinthos |
Love: Today's planetary alignment may appear to temporarily freeze the free flow of communication between yourself and another person. However, don't take this to heart; rather use the opportunity to understand how or why this happened. If you can get to the root of the problem, and notice just what occurred that cut off your ability to talk, you will have made a giant step in more truly being together.
Health: This is a good time to pay special attention to your feet. Filling tubs of warm water should be a usual practice, especially when you regularly have to wear socks or stockings and shoes. If you’re able to enlist the help of a special friend to make this a really worthwhile process, that's even better: add a dozen drops of lavender oil (or Australian tea tree oil) to the tub of warm water and soak your feet. Consider referring to a book on reflexology and discover the therapeutic benefits of foot massage with your friend.
Finance: You don't always have to pursue your one true goal. Consider yourself officially distracted from your true purpose in life for the next few days. The time away from it will give you a fresh perspective. It's like money well spent.
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7. Libra - Horoscope Today
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Photo: Style Caster |
Love: You may find yourself having to do some negotiating when it comes to relationships today. The position of the planets indicates that you and your partner (current or prospective) need to talk things through, but may not immediately see eye-to-eye. You will not find the answer by trying to look for all the issues on which you agree, but by seeing a completely new and totally original perspective on which to base your argument.
Health: Today's energy is all about knowing what you need in your life in terms of structure, and then abiding by this in the most original and true-to-form manner possible. For instance, if you love ice cream and yet hate what it does to your body, it is paramount that you develop a love of Tofutti or some other less troubling substitute. If you do not take the initiative, something else will: your cholesterol level, for example!
Finance: Expectations can make or break a big day. Yesterday was either the highlight of your year or the worst event in memory, depending on how you set yourself up. The same goes for the amount you spent. You're either over, under or right on the money.
***READ MORE: Daily Horoscope (Today & Tomorrow 29): Predictions for Love, Health & Financial with 12 Zodiac Signs
8. Scorpio - Horoscope Today
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Photo: Allure |
Love: You may go through several changes of opinion in a very short space of time today. The current transits indicate that you may find it difficult, even with your inbuilt ability to detect lies, to make out just what the truth really is. If you truly want the relationship to blossom, then perhaps it is best to ignore what has recently occurred. The choice is yours.
Health: Considering your options is as important a habit to acquire as is making decisions and taking action! The planets are now aligned for this kind of process - are you? Whatever your health habits are, it's a good time to eliminate the ones you no longer need. They get in the way of the process of progress. Treat yourself to the physical pleasures of long walks and stretching your limbs; forego the cheap stimulation of processed sugars and a high-carb diet. You will enjoy the results - I promise!
Finance: You spent the entire day yesterday being of service to others, and now you're ready to focus on yourself. Don't feel bad doing it, either. Consider it yet another opportunity to look inward and find ever more reason to be thankful.
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9. Sagittarius - Horoscope Today
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Photo: Style Caster |
Love: You enjoy talking with others, or perhaps preaching is more the correct word, so today's position of the planets means that you may find it difficult to get the message across to someone whom you know currently needs your help and guidance. Although this person probably knows you better than anyone, you will find that they seem unusually resistant to your advice. Perhaps they actually don't need it right now!
Health: You see what needs to change in your life, and you are the only one to make the changes. This is an opportune time to literally be the architect of your world. With the alignment at play today, change is probable in places you never would have thought possible. To help keep your energy high, try reducing the calories in your diet. Start by eating lighter meals, and then try to include some of the following in your meals: peas, fennel, parsley, whole grains and pistachio nuts (good for the lungs!).
Finance: You've had enough work in the kitchen to last a lifetime. You're ready to occupy the front of the house again. Work is out, romance and games are in. It's all about your place in the group, not monetary status.
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10. Capricorn - Horoscope Today
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Photo: Style Caster |
Love: The position of the planets means that you may find yourself trying to block the possibility of certain progress within a close personal relationship. Your partner (current or prospective) may have plans or ideas that seem to you too different and possibly a bit extreme. However, you may be doing yourself a disfavor by being so stubborn. For once, dare to let out the child in your soul.
Health: The planetary alignment gives you the opportunity to bring the exotic into your life. Remember that other cultures can give us insight into ourselves that can light up our lives. Whatever "exotic" means to you, give it a try! Try to stimulate at least three of your senses with something new: taste, sound, smell, etc. The new does not need to disturb the things that give your life structure and regularity. Stick to your usual dietary boundaries while welcoming new ingredients and flavors into your kitchen!
Finance: You tipped your hat to your ancestors and to all you have to be thankful for in the present. Today you get to zone out and just live in the moment. You don't have to spend a penny to do it. In fact, the more you spend, the less authentic the experience.
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11. Aquarius - Horoscope Today
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Photo: India TV News |
Love: You find it difficult to tolerate those who seem determined to remain stuck in the past, yet the position of the planets today may indicate that you yourself are similarly stuck, if only you had the clarity to see this. Your attitude toward an important relationship is currently holding up progress, and needs to change if you are to see the kind of improvement that you so wish for.
Health: When you want to veer from the healthy path at times, remember that it is how you manage these impulses that really matters. We are not automatons programmed for "organic" and "whole grain" - we are human beings who love chocolate cake and whipped cream! A balanced lifestyle is what you are striving for. If you want to indulge, by all means revel in it - just drink a lot of water along with, OK? (And respect your craving for carrot juice when that comes along, too!)
Finance: The food's been eaten, the dishes long cleared and washed. Today you get to enjoy a bit of freedom. You don't have much to spend on it, but then again, you don't need much. The bliss of yesterday still fills you with amazement.
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12. Pisces - Daily Horoscope
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Photo: HelloGiggles |
Love: The present astral configuration means that you have been having serious thoughts about a certain relationship. This dilemma may come to a head as you consider all that is positive about your being together and all that is not so good. This may not be the kind of issue that you can work out through logic alone; you need to find the right perspective - one that answers all your questions.
Health: You may feel that you're on a roller coaster with the one you love. One day it's all about physical passion, the next day you feel estranged. If you can weather the ups and downs, you'll gain a deeper understanding of what you really want out of a relationship. Reproductive health is very important to maintain, even if you're not thinking about having kids. There are also many natural health products available that support you in maintaining your wellbeing in this area.
Finance: If yesterday didn't go as planned, then you have a few riddles to figure out today. You may never crack these particular nuts, but just realizing that is worth years of therapy. Try to figure out this particular enigma.
For more Daily horoscope for 12 Zodiac Signs on Love, Health and Finance, please click here!
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