Weekly Horoscope and Tarot Reading for Capricorn shows prediction that this week helps the people around Capricorn see your abilities and trust you further. The planets make you more positive and optimistic about the way you face your life in general. This good mood and energy will help you settle all the pending things you have neglected.

Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn: Week of December 21 -27

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Photo: Internet

Dear Capricorn, this week helps the people around you see your abilities and trust you further. The planets make you more positive and optimistic about the way you face your life in general. This good mood and energy will help you settle all the pending things you have neglected.

The Sun moves into your zodiac sign on December 21—happy solar return, Capricorn babe! Sure, it may be Winter Solstice, but it’s officially your time to shine! And just a few hours after your birthday season begins, Jupiter and Saturn align in Aquarius, forming the “Great Conjunction,” a powerful celestial phenomena that only occurs every 20-years. In fact, not only does this Great Conjunction set a new precedent through 2040, but it also launches a 200-year cycle defined by air energy (this is—you guessed it—the Age of Aquarius).Make inspired choices, Capricorn! You deserve to live a magical life, cites cosmopolitan.com.

Monday to Thursday brings good news, enthusiasm, and optimism. Fortune comes to many areas of life so this is an excellent time for work and play. This is the ideal time to start a new course of study and to sit exams. Journeys and holidays can be booked or started. Social charm, tact, and diplomacy make this the right time to settle disputes between you and others, or between your friends or family.

Friday and Sunday increased intuition and flashes of insight lead to self-discovery and revelations. These insights combine with increased self-confidence, to allow you to express the more unique or quirky side of your personality. Capricorn will feel like trying sometime new, outside of your normal routine. This is an excellent time to leave your comfort zone and widen your social circle with some extraordinary people.

Your love horoscope for this week

The planets change everything in your love life and break the routine that has begun to get you tired and weary. The changes that will take place in your relationship will be so enjoyable, that you will finally leave the past where it belongs and live your present to the fullest. If you are single, you will finally meet the love of your life, thanks to the favor of the stars.

Your career horoscope for this week

You will be presented with many opportunities to make the changes that you have been planning. You can make collaborations or new beginnings, through which you will show off your strengths and your talents. This week you can discover new ways to increase your income. Your finances begin to find a certain balance and you will settle any obligation that makes you nervous.

Capricorn Tarot Horoscope

Your card for the week: 8 of Swords

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Photo: Pinterest

The 8 of Swords is indicating that you are feeling trapped right now, believing there isn't a way out of your current circumstances. This week you're being called to question whether you're truly stuck, or if you're simply in a prison of your own design. Insecurity, fear, and doubt are often feelings that keep us in situations far long than we need to be. Examine this matter more closely. You may find that it has been self-imposed limitations that have been holding you back this entire time, according totarot.com.

Capricorn's Characteristics

Capricorn is a sign that starts on December 22 in the Christian calendar and ends on January 19. Its ruling element is earth. This can tell us a lot about this zodiac sign. For starters, the people belonging to Capricorn favor permanence in their lives and want to settle before everyone else. They do not consider wandering and discovering the world a very good or worthwhile activity.

In addition to that, the personality of a Capricorn person is such that they favor rationality over all other kinds of impulses. This often gets them out of trouble because they are clearheaded and think things through before making any actions.

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