11:11 | 01/09/2021 Print
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Top 3 unluckiest zodiac signs in October |
It's no secret that there are powerful shifts happening all throughout October, but everyone will experience them in a unique way. For those with personal placements in Taurus, Cancer, and Scorpio, October will be the worst because of the tension among cardinal forces!
1. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
2. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
3. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
We have a study in extremes this month. October begins with 60 per cent of the planets retrograde, the maximum for the year. It will end with only 20 per cent of them retrograde – a drastic reduction. So, by the end of the month stuck projects start to ‘unstick’, they start moving forward. From here on retrograde activity will gradually lessen even more.
Health needs more attention from the 22nd onwards. As always, make sure to get enough rest. Do your best to maintain high energy levels. Enhance the health with detox regimes and through massage of the colon and bladder reflexes until the 7th. (You can locate these reflexes in the chart shown in the yearly report.) Safe sex and sexual moderation are important. After the 7th thigh massage and massage of the liver reflex will be good. A herbal liver cleanse might also be beneficial.
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Your financial planet Mercury is still retrograde until the 18th, so avoid major purchases or investments until after that date. Money seems to come the old-fashioned way this month, through hard work and productive service to others. Joint ventures or partnership opportunities can also arise. Your social grace, and social contacts in general, are important in your finances.
On the 22nd the upper half, the day side, of your Horoscope becomes dominant. It is time to focus more on your career and outer activities. Even the family will be supportive here. You can let home and family issues go for a while.
Though Uranus, your career planet, is still retrograde, the other planets involved with it are moving forward this month. This means that much of what was blocking your career progress is ending.
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Health still needs attention until the 22nd. Review our discussion of this last month. Cancer should see a dramatic improvement in health after that date. Perhaps some therapist, pill or herb will get the credit, but the truth is that the planetary power will shift in your favour. The other things were just side effects of this.
Your 4th family house is still powerful until the 22nd. You spend on the home, but you can earn from here as well. There is good family support this month. Family connections are playing an important role in finance. You gain a deeper psychological understanding of money – and this helps you financially. It is still a good period for making repairs or undertaking renovations of the home. (Again, allow extra time for these things.)
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The love life is improving this month. Saturn, your love planet, starts to move forward on the 11th and he is receiving very nice aspects. There is more romantic and social clarity now. A stuck relationship starts moving forward. Those already in relationships have an easier time as well – the beloved is feeling better. After the 11th it is safe to make important love decisions.
Retrograde activity among the planets will drop precipitously this month. We begin the month with 60 percent of the planet's retrograde, but end it with only 20 percent retrograde. Events in the world and in your life start moving forward. There is faster progress to your goals.
The family as a whole prospers, especially a parent or a parent figure, from the 22nd onwards. Siblings and sibling figures prosper until the 22nd. (Things are OK after that too, but the prosperity is stronger before the 22nd than afterward.) Though this is not a strong career month there is a happy career experience on the 17th and 18th. The 14th and 15th bring an increase in earnings.
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The planetary power is now at its maximum Eastern position in your chart. (This will be the case next month as well.) Scorpio are at your maximum point of independence for the year. Other people are certainly important, and you have to take their interests into account (and their opinions) – your Western, social sector is still strong – but you have more leeway to go your own way now. You have had years of greater personal independence – but for this year it’s happening now. So, make those changes that need to be made. With this kind of balance between East (self) and West (others) you probably fluctuate between self-will and concern for others. You go back and forth.
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Though you still have three long-term planets in stressful alignment with you (this won’t change until the end of the year) the short-term planets are in harmony with you. Health and energy should be good – as good as they have ever been this year. Spiritual healing techniques are still powerful all month. Your health planet will be in your spiritual 12th house until the 31st. As last month, it will be beneficial to massage the hips and the kidney reflex.
Venus moves out of your sign on the 7th and enters your money house. This shows that wealth attracts you. You show love in material ways – through material gifts or support. This is how you feel loved as well. Romantic opportunities happen as you pursue your financial goals or with people involved in your finances. A trip to the bank or broker can become more than that.
On the 22nd the Sun enters your own sign and you begin a yearly personal pleasure peak. This is a time to pamper the body and show it appreciation for all the yeoman service it has given you. It is also a good time for getting the body and image the way you like it. Since the Sun is your career planet, his move into your sign shows that career opportunities are coming to you – they seek you out with little effort on your part (the effort will come later on). It shows the devotion of the authority figures in your life – bosses, elders, parents or parent figures. They are on your side.
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Article URL: https://knowinsiders.com/top-3-unluckiest-zodiac-signs-in-october-32163.html
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