14:50 | 31/01/2021 Print
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Weekly Horoscope: predictions for all 12 zodiac signs (Jan 31 - February 6). Photo: Prokerala |
Look for insights about the good or bad things coming your way this week using our free weekly horoscope. If needed, take our astrologer’s advice to resolve the issues and acquire the most out of your week. Make sure to read your horoscope this week, to get all the highlights of your week in advance!
It’s been a long time between parties but your social life is set to soar! The vivacious combination of Venus and Jupiter in your social sector will put you in the mood via whatever means, The Sydney Morning Herald cites. Enjoy!
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
This week may give you mixed results in career and education. Relationships may take a new turn. There may be new changes in your business plans. You should be ready for this change in your career. Singles may get good marriage proposals, as cited by Ganesha.
There is a chance that you may get married and shift to a foreign country or you may change your residence because you will get married. You should not go for any major investments in the share market without taking an expert’s suggestions. You may spend money on your friends which can deplete your finances. It's a good week to clear all your pending work in the business. There may be changes in your business plan which can cause unplanned expenditures.
Practice deep breathing and adhere to regular exercises. It can help you come out of stress and anxiety. Avoid overindulgence in work and try to be stress-free. This may give you good health.
*Also Read: Detailed horoscope predictions for Aries in Love, Money, Health and Career during this week (February 1 - February 7), please click here!
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The recognition you so deserve will be served to you on a silver platter. Venus, the planet of charm, and Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, combine forces in your sector of career and image.
At the beginning of the week, you're blessed by the moon. It can offer you vitality and good health. You may feel confident. You may be focused on your goals. You may relish each moment at work and domestic life. There'll seemingly be some new sources of financial gain. which can boost your bank balance. You may seemingly create new partnerships in business, which can offer you edges within the near future.
The middle of the week can cause you to be busy with family events. You may be busy in the family or social get along. You may be able to control your expenditures. You may additionally attend some religious or session or an occasion to improve your social life and career.
The last couples of days appear to be positive. Property related problems with the siblings could be resolved. You're suggested to follow your intuition before creating investments in fixed assets, they may be blocked for a long period.
*For detailed horoscope predictions for Taurus in Love, Money and Career during next week (February 1 - February 7), please click here!
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
Travel plans that have been kiboshed, for obvious reasons, are now back on the table. Positive energy from Jupiter, the lucky planet, suggests you’ll be able to book some sort of adventure. Love planet Venus enters your fellow air sign Aquarius on the 1st, which lifts your spirits and makes you feel more connected to the people in your life.
The transit of Mars in opposition makes you particularly fearless and makes you act on impulses. In this somewhat hectic atmosphere, you want to stand out above all others and prefer to go it alone to achieve it.
Conflicting demands will make it difficult to be flexible on Monday. The situation should lighten up from Monday evening through Wednesday, as you find yourself the center of attention, surrounded by like-minded friends who want to have fun debating heady ideas. On Thursday, Friday, and early Saturday, you'll need to focus on life's smaller details (like bills and errands), but expect to have a lot more fun on Saturday night and Sunday. You'll have plenty of energy for taking on new things, whether ideas, projects, or conversations.
*Read More: Detailed Horoscope Prediction for Gemini in Love, Money, Health and Career during next week (February 1 - February 7).
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
Venus moves into Aquarius and your shared resources sector this week, putting further emphasis on your need to get serious about your loans, investments, and schemes to get paid.
Although your personal prospects are still looking good, and you are busier than usual, see this as a period of caution; a time to push ahead with your own plans as conscientiously as possible and to respect the fact that colleagues have their own ideas which are every bit as valid as yours.
Middle of the week is negative for you. The negative moon can cause you to dull, you'll get success when you work hard. You may be the victim of a conspiracy, it's suggested to keep your eyes open, hidden enemies and opponents would possibly hurt you, as cited by Times of India.
The last couple of days of the week, you'll be blessed by the moon. You'll seemingly form good plans for the growth of your family business. You'll be blessed by elders', your focus is sensible, you'll be able to implement new plans with efficiency.
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
Your love life is about to take a distinct turn for the better! Venus, the planet of love, and Jupiter, the planet of luck, are both in your relationship sector at the moment, so there’s no better time to turn up the heat.
You will have good planetary support which may help you make progress. You may be eager to bolster your finances and trim expenses. It may influence you to resolve some long pending issues. You may be cheered by some monetary gains. But as the week progresses, you will need to watch your steps.
You should get introspective and remodel your strategy to close the gaps and weak areas of your life. It may make you restless and impatient at times. But you should remain cool and composed to think clearly. This week may bring more clarity and hence you may feel relaxed and confident about the future of your relationship. But, obstacles and roadblocks may dishearten you. You should not get worked up over petty matters going astray.
Gradually, you may climb up the ladder of success. You may face a little hiccup in your studies. Some minor health issues may bother you, hence you should take good care of your health.
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
The work never seems to end, especially now that your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde in your daily grind sector. Love planet Venus moving into Aquarius on the 1st though helps you see the bright side of these super busy and stressful days.
Judging from your solar chart, it seems unlikely that a major upheaval is on the way. Instead, you’ll be presented with a series of opportunities to breathe fresh air into situations that you have sometimes found restrictive. Partners must allow you to find your own way and travel in a direction that suits you.
Last day of the week, you'll decide to go for an outing with friends or family, and you'll even have some quality moments with your spouse. Your family harmony is improved. Love birds will relish their quality moments. Single will seemingly find a suitable match.
*For detailed horoscope predictions for Virgo in love, money and career during next week (February 1 - February 7), please click here!
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
You have enormous talent and are one of the more artistic signs of the zodiac. Right now you are white-hot, thanks to ruler Venus and Jupiter lighting up your sector of creativity. According to Stars Tell The Horoscope, the passage of Mars in a sextile sign for you the return of an atmosphere infinitely more comfortable. It is likely that your friend circle will be the driving force behind your main activities. You will be able to act at your own pace: cautious, sometimes picky.
You have a natural tendency to over-dramatize situations, never more so than when an emotional planet such as Venus is creating tension and raising the passionate temperature. Deal with personal problems correctly and the coming period will be a time to rejoice in the company of your family and friends.
This year though, you’re more focused on breaking bad habits than having a whirlwind romance to gossip about over brunch, PureWow cites. Nevertheless, you’re still feeling flirty and optimistic. Then on the 6th, someone you just started seeing surprises you when they divulge that they’re already ready to commit. It’s scary but why not see how it goes?
*For detailed horoscope predictions for Libra in love, money and career during next week (February 1 - February 7)), please click here!
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
Home and family are your main focus but thankfully events will be drama-free. There are beautiful vibes, courtesy of Venus and Jupiter in your domestic zone, so it’s perfect for improving the bonds between family members.
At the starting of the week, you may be blessed by the moon. You may be busy at home. Your domestic harmony is going to be good, which can replicate into you positive attitude, it'll assist you to perform sensibly at work.
In the middle of the week, a negative moon can cause you to be bored, you may feel some unknown worry around you. You shall keep patience before making any investments. You may expect some kind of struggle at work, things won't be with you. The untidy scenario can cause you to be arrogant.
In the last couple of days, you may be blessed by a positive moon, you may be able to control over untidy things. You may incline towards spiritualism, which can offer you some inner power. You may also decide to visit some of your elders or authorities for advice. Singles can seemingly find their soulmate. Love birds are going to be happy with dating.
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
As the week progresses, you begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel with Venus in Aquarius reminds you that there are many different ways to communicate your ideas.
Follow your inquisitive mood as the week begins, even if it means asking tough questions. Monday begins with you digging in deep and looking for answers, but by Monday evening -- and on through Wednesday -- you'll be back to your freewheeling, happy-go-lucky self. Luck is on your side and you should take every attractive risk that comes along.
According to Astrology, on Thursday, Friday, and early Saturday, you'll need to be a little more cautious with details and the demands of others, but that need should evaporate again by late Saturday when you become the one with all the answers. For the remainder of the weekend, you'll be loved and lauded.
*For detailed horoscope predictions for Sagittarius in love, money and career during next week (February 1 - February 7), please click here!
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
Venus moves into your financial sector on the 1st and all those budgets that have been causing headaches for weeks start feeling kind of...fun? When Jupiter goes sextile in the natal sun, a very good influence is manifested through small daily incidents apparently innocuous but finally very favorable to the evolution of your art of living. Opportunities arise through your friends, your relationships, your meetings.
Solar patterns bring to mind the ancient proverb to the effect that, if you think you are confused, you shouldn’t worry because the next person is probably much more muddled than you are. In fact, this is a period of supreme inspiration, so dream your dreams, and see where your imagination leads.
From Thursday through early Saturday, your extraordinary planning skills and command of the facts will earn you applause, possibly from someone far away. On late Saturday and Sunday, focus on getting a lot done, even if you have trouble getting feedback and connecting with others, India Express cites.
*For detailed horoscope predictions for Capricorn in love, money and career during next week (February 1 - February 7), please click here!
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
Venus enters your sign on the 1st and though you’re feeling the pressure, this transit has you wanting to look and feel your best while you put in the work. Though Mercury is still retrograde meaning that any clothes or makeup your order might come with delays or have to be returned, it’s a great week to vision board a more futuristic style.
Don't get riled up as the week begins! Everything might not be going your way on Monday, but take a deep breath and realize this is just a phase. By late Monday and continuing on through Wednesday, sudden shifts could change your current outlook completely, so don't hesitate to experiment and seek out bold, new discoveries.
On Thursday, Friday, and early Saturday, you'll need to take extra care in dealing with details and competing agendas -- especially anything that involves business or finances. On late Saturday and Sunday, find time to meet someone new (and learn something new, too).
*For detailed horoscope predictions for Aquarius in love, money and career during next week (February 1 - February 7), please Click Here!
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
For the last few weeks, you’ve been struggling to give yourself a break. You know that you need to rest and recover but something keeps pushing you back into the action. Venus entering Aquarius on the 1st reminds you that isolation doesn’t have to be lonely.
Your work responsibility may increase this week. An important deal may get finalized. It may help you a lot at the workplace. You may get to join a job in a foreign country if you were planning to get the same. Working as a freelancer may also give you financial gains. It’s not a good time to give a loan to your friend or siblings.
Previous debts may get cleared, this may give you relief. You may get inclined to learn religious scriptures or yoga and meditation. Career or work in religion and spirituality can give you a busy schedule.
You may get depressed because of your negative thoughts. You should avoid living alone and should always be positive. There may be small get-togethers with in-laws and with your family members. Research subjects may give you success this week.
*For detailed horoscope predictions for Pisces in love, money and career during next week (February 1 - February 7), please click here!
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Article URL: https://knowinsiders.com/weekly-horoscope-february-1-february-7-accurate-prediction-for-all-zodiac-signs-in-love-health-career-and-financial-27759.html
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