11:44 | 24/12/2021 Print
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Photo: MATCHA.com |
The new year is one of the most important events in the World Calendar. It’s time to spend some Great moment in the new year and forget all about the busy year previous. Spend some relaxing and enjoy the full moment with Family and friends.
There is too many Question asked by the Japanese learner students they are asking how to Send New Year Greeting in Japanese and also someone also asks how we can say Godby year 2017. By reading this request we are going to post that how you can send new year Greeting to your Family & Friends in the Japanese language.
If you live in Japan at the new year time so you can definitely use these words or sentence to say Happy new year in the Japanese language with some attractive Japanese words, as regarded in Japanese Language Institute.
On New Year’s day, just like in any other country, Japan celebrates the start of the new year. It is the time of the year for the families not only to reflect on the past year but a chance to spend time together. Oshougatsu, or New Years, in Japan is not just the most important holiday, but also the oldest and one of the longest, where many Japanese view the entire month of January as a festive month.
Japanese have their own traditions and greeting practices to wish everyone a very good new year. It is important to know what kind of greeting to give during the new year. For example, it is common in Japan to acknowledge the goodwill you have with an acquaintance for the past year and wish for the same or a better relationship with them this new year. It is also common to greet your friends and colleagues and wish them prosperity and good health for the year, We-expats expressed.
In Japan, there are two steps when it comes to new year wishes. Thus, it is common to hear “良いお年をお迎えください” (yoi otoshi wo omukaekudasai) before January 1st (but not after December 31st!). It translates as “Have a good year” and is often shortened to “良いお年を” (yoi otoshi wo).
From another view-point, you’ll also hear 良いお年を。(Yoi o-toshi o.) at the end of the year and it’s often translated into “Happy New Year!” in English. The difference between 明けましておめでとうございます。 and 良いお年を。is, 良いお年を。is only used before the New Year and 明けましておめでとうございます。 is used in the New Year. 謹賀新年 (きんがしんねん; kingashinnen) means ‘Happy New Year’ too but it’s a written form so you’ll only see it on your 年賀状 (ねんがじょう; nengajou), which is a Japanese New Year’s card, according to Japanesepod101.
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Photo: Japanesequizzes.com |
They literally mean "Happy New Year" and "Congratulations for the New Year which is beginning". In a formal situation, it is appropriate to say yoï otoshi o omukae kudassaï (良いお年をお迎えください).
To shinnen omedeto gozaimasu, which is the most widely used phrase, the response is: kotoshi mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu (今年もよろしくお願いします) to convey the wish of a continuing good relationship for another year. It is often translated as: "Please treat me well this year, too" or "I look forward to your continued good will in the coming year."
With friends and people that you know well, you can sometimes use the shorter akeome (明けおめ) for "Happy New Year" and kotoyoro (ことよろ) for "please treat me well this year, too."
For "See you next year," you can use: mata rainen (また来年), noted by Kanpai-japan.
In more casual settings, that is to say between friends or among young people, “あけおめ!ことよろ !” (Ake ome! Koto yoro!) can be heard quite frequently. It simply is a shorter version of “あけましておめでとうございます。今年もよろしくお願いします” (Akemashite omedetō gozaimasu. Kotoshimo yoroshiku onegai shimasu).
New Year’s greetings must not be missed and it is important to learn the proper way to address your friends, families, neighbors, superiors, and workmates so you could express your wishes to them. It is a common practice in Japan to acknowledge everyone around who has helped them during the year and wish them more good will for the coming year. It is important to learn their practices when it comes to celebrating the new year so we could be at ease to join them in this kind of festive activity. |
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Article URL: https://knowinsiders.com/how-to-say-happy-new-year-in-japanese-25674.html
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