8 Things to Do on Tuesday After an Unproductive Monday
Things to do to get over an unproductive Monday. Photo: FPT Education Global - FPT University

Tuesday is your second chance at a great start. So, here are 8 things to do on Tuesday to get your groove back and salvage a productive week.

1. Get up early

In a perfect world, you'd plant the seeds for this first step on Monday night by going to bed a bit earlier, but regardless, a great Tuesday starts early. Set the tone by getting up and enjoying a small slice of time for yourself before diving into the day's events. Be the first person up in your house; early on the road; early in the office.

2. Get some exercise

In the long term, your fitness depends in part on getting enough exercise, but we're more concerned with a short-term benefit here. Even a very brief workout--just seven minutes or so--is proven to increase endorphins and make you happier.

3. Eat breakfast

8 Things to Do on Tuesday After an Unproductive Monday
Photo: HuffPost

Bottom line, Mom was right: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Public health experts say skipping breakfast reduces your ability to concentrate later in the day, and we can't have that. To do it right and quickly, make sure to include two to three foods, including a loaf of bread or grain, some kind of dairy product, and a fruit or vegetable.

4. Pick up one thing from Monday

The first three items on this list are preamble, but when you get to wherever you work, dive in. The smartest move is often to break off a small piece of what you intended to do on Monday and accomplish it. Achieving a small, fast victory can create momentum.

5. Offer mentorship

So far, this Tuesday is turning out to be all about you. It has to be, to an extent. You're making up for lost time and trying to take control. Paradoxically, however, the best way to achieve something for yourself can often result from doing things for others. In a work environment, one of the best opportunities for this can be to offer smart advice and mentorship to others. So carve out at least a small amount of time for it.

6. Ask someone for help

8 Things to Do on Tuesday After an Unproductive Monday
Photo: Seattle Divorce Services

Asking for help is a sign of respect, not weakness. Moreover, nobody accomplishes anything truly great on his or her own. So don't be afraid to reach out for assistance. Chances are the help you need isn't far away, and be sure you're known as someone who will be willing to return the favor when it's needed.

7. Say no to something

This can be a hard one, but Tuesday requires triage. You need to be able to cut things from your schedule that are hurting your productivity, and you need to be able to turn down requests to take on new projects while you're still trying to get through your goals for yesterday. Bonus: Choose your language carefully. Often the best ways of saying no don't involve that two-letter word.

8. Plan for the weekend

Have a more productive week by planning for the weekend? Yes, with a caveat. Don't spend two hours trying to research events or coordinate a getaway, but instead make general plans and work backward. Think about what you will have to accomplish to feel as though you're ready to enjoy the weekend. Doing so reminds you that you have only four more traditional productive workdays left in the week--and encourages you to use them well

Raise your hand if you are productive every single working day

Didn’t think so. Look, it’s hard to be on the ball all the time. Some days you’re just feeling it more than others. You get in the zone—and you stay there until it’s time to pack up and go home. Other days, however, your efforts at fighting distraction (resulting from a personal issue, mere exhaustion, or what’s happening in the world) fail you completely.

And when it’s time to call it quits, you realize that you got nothing done! Your to-do list stares back at you, daring you to recover from this wasted day where no box has been checked and no item crossed off.

When you just can’t will your brain to focus or grasp the self-discipline you need to get the job done, you need to hit the ground running the next day. It’s possible to do without waking up at dawn and committing to a 16-hour workday. It’s not necessary to skip meals or your morning workout. You don’t have to cancel your plans on Saturday to work. You just need to keep the following dos and don’ts in mind, and the “lost” day will soon be forgotten.

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